Amenorrhea is missing one or more periods (secondary amenorrhea) or having primary amenorrhea (older than 15 but never gotten the first periods). Amenorrhea isn’t a form of infertility. However, not getting a menstrual period can lead to not being able to get pregnant.
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A complex system of hormones controls our menstrual cycle. Every cycle, these hormones prepare our uterus for a possible pregnancy. If there’s no pregnancy that cycle, we shed your uterine lining. That shedding is our period. There are many factors that can affect our period including issues with the following organs and structures:
- Hypothalamus: Controls your pituitary gland, which affects ovulation (releasing an egg).
- Ovaries: Store and produce the egg for ovulation and the hormones estrogen and progesterone.
- Uterus: Responds to the hormones by thickening our uterine lining. This lining sheds as our menstrual period if there’s no pregnancy.
Types of amenorrhea
Primary amenorrhea
Primary amenorrhea is when you haven’t gotten your first period by age 15 or within five years of the first signs of puberty (such as developing breasts). It’s usually due to genetic conditions or acquired abnormalities.
Secondary amenorrhea
Secondary amenorrhea is when you’ve been getting regular periods, but you stop getting your period for at least three months, or your period stops for six months when they were previously irregular. Common reasons for this type of amenorrhea include:
Symptoms and Causes
The main symptom is the lack of periods. Other symptoms depend on the cause. You may experience:
- Hot flashes.
- Nipples leaking milk.
- Vaginal dryness.
- Headaches.
- Eyesight.
- Acne.
- Excess hair growth on face, hands, breasts, legs etc.
How do you get amenorrhea?
The different types of amenorrhea have different causes. Some causes happen naturally on their own, while others may be a sign of some other disease and/or condition.
Natural (or normal) reasons to miss your period include:
- Pregnancy (the most common cause of secondary amenorrhea).
- Breastfeeding (or lactation amenorrhea).
- Menopause.
- Having surgery to remove your uterus or ovaries.
Common causes of primary amenorrhea
Primary amenorrhea occurs when you haven’t had a period by 15 years old. Common causes include:
- Chromosomal or genetic problems that affect your reproductive system, such as Turner syndrome.
- Hormonal issues stemming from problems with your brain or pituitary gland.
- Structural problem with your organs, such as missing parts of your uterus or vagina or having an underdeveloped reproductive system.
Common causes of secondary amenorrhea
Secondary amenorrhea is when you miss your period for three or more months after previously having a normal period. Common causes include:
- Some allopathic birth control methods, such as Depo-Provera, intrauterine devices (IUDs) and certain allopathic birth control pills, injections, chewing gums etc.
- Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer.
- Previous uterine surgery with scarring (for example, if you had a dilation and curettage – D&C).
- Stress.
- Poor nutrition.
- Extreme weight loss or gain.
- Extreme exercise routines.
- Certain allopathic medications.
The following medical conditions may also cause secondary amenorrhea:
- Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), when your ovaries stop working before age 40.
- Hypothalamic amenorrhea, a condition where amenorrhea occurs due to an issue with your hypothalamus.
- Pituitary disorders, such as a benign pituitary tumor or excessive production of prolactin.
- Hormonal imbalances as a result of conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal disorders or hypothyroidism.
- Ovarian tumors.
- Obesity.
- Ongoing illness or chronic illness (like kidney disease or inflammatory bowel disease).
Complications of amenorrhea
Some causes of amenorrhea can lead to long-term complications, so amenorrhea should always be evaluated by a healthcare provider. Having amenorrhea may make you more likely to develop:
- Osteoporosis or cardiovascular disease (due to a lack of estrogen).
- Difficulties getting pregnant or infertility.
- Pelvic pain (if structural issues are the cause).
Diagnosis and Tests
A doctor should ask from patient about her symptoms and medical history, including patient’s menstrual history, perform a physical exam and a pelvic exam.
Some tests required are:
- Pregnancy test.
- Blood tests to check patient’s hormone levels and detect thyroid or adrenal gland disorders.
- Genetic testing, if patient have primary ovarian insufficiency and is younger than 40.
- MRI, if you suspect problems with pituitary gland.
- Ultrasound, if you suspect an issue with ovaries or uterus.
Allopathic treatment
If patient’s period stopped because of menopause, lactation or pregnancy, don’t advise anything.
In other cases, the treatment will depend on the cause and may include:
- Advise a diet and exercise plan to help maintain weight.
- Stress management techniques.
- Changing exercise levels.
- Hormonal treatment (medication), {personally I (Dr. Qaisar Ahmed) don’t like hormonal therapy because allopathic hormone therapy is used to treat cancers that use hormones to grow, such as some prostate and breast cancers. Hormone therapy is a cancer treatment that slows or stops the growth of cancer that uses hormones to grow}. Hormone therapy is also called hormonal therapy, hormone treatment, or endocrine therapy.
- Surgery (in rare cases).
There are two main types of hormone therapy (HT):
- Estrogen Therapy: Estrogen is taken alone. Doctors most often prescribe a low dose of estrogen to be taken as a pill or patch every day. Estrogen may also be prescribed as a cream, vaginal ring, gel or spray. You should take the lowest dose of estrogen needed to relieve menopause symptoms and/or to prevent osteoporosis.
- Estrogen Progesterone/Progestin Hormone Therapy (EPT): Also called combination therapy, this form of HT combines doses of estrogen and progesterone (or progestin, a synthetic form of progesterone).
- Calcium and vitamin D supplements (allopathic supplements – the pharmaceutical industry is rigged with financial traps and emotional roller-coasters that run for as far as the skeptic’s eye can see).
- Strength training (lifting weights or doing movements to strengthen muscles).
Surgery for amenorrhea
Surgery for amenorrhea is rare. A doctor may recommend it if patient have:
- A physical difference that prevents vaginal bleeding like a vaginal septum or imperforate hymen.
- Pituitary tumor.
- Uterine scar tissue.
Homeopathic treatment for amenorrhea
Pulsatilla Pratensis
Amenorrhea. Suppressed menses from nervous debility or chlorosis. Tardy menses. Too late, scanty, thick, dark, clotted, changeable, intermittent. Chilliness, nausea, downward pressure, painful, flow intermits. Leucorrhea acrid, burning, creamy. Pain in back; tired feeling.
Euphresia Officianalis
Manses painful; flow lasts only an hour or day; late, scanty, short. Amenorrhea, with ophthalmia.
Secale Cornutum
Menstrual colic, with coldness and intolerance of heat. Passive hemorrhages in feeble, cachectic women. Burning pains in uterus. Brownish, offensive leucorrhea. Manse’s irregular, copious, dark; continuous oozing of watery blood until next period. Threatened abortion about the third month.
Sepia Officianalis
Pelvic organs relaxed. Bearing-down sensation. Leucorrhea yellow, greenish; with much itching. Manses too late and scanty, irregular; early and profuse; sharp clutching pains. Violent stitches upward in the vagina, from uterus to umbilicus. Morning sickness. Vagina painful, especially on coition.
Amenorrhea, with vicarious menstruation. Suppuration of mammae, burning, watery, offensive discharge. Nymphomania. Uterine polyps.
Polygonum Hydropiperoides
Aching pain in hips and loins, and sensation of weight and tension in pelvis. Manses absent; delayed, with distress and pain; too copious; tardy; fetid. During menses – pressure and soreness in head; grinding pain through abdomen. Congestion of ovaries; tearing sensation in groin. Burning in vagina. Acrid, excoriating leucorrhea. Shooting pains through breasts, with great soreness, distension, and tenderness.
Manses too late, with constipation; pale and scanty, with tearing pain in epigastrium, and itching before. Leucorrhea, pale, thin, profuse, white, excoriating, with great weakness in back. Mammae swollen and hard. Induration of ovaries and uterus and mammae. Nipple’s sore, cracked, and blistered. Decided aversion to coitus.
Natrum Muriaticum
Manse’s irregular; usually profuse. Vagina dry. Leucorrhea acrid, watery. Bearing-down pains; worse in morning. Prolapsus uteri, with cutting in urethra. Ineffectual labor-pains. Suppressed menses. Hot during menses.
Cimicifuja Rasemosa
Amenorrhea. Pain in ovarian region; shoots upward and down anterior surface of thighs. Pain immediately before menses. Manses always irregular. Ovarian neuralgia. Pain across pelvis, from hip to hip. After-pains, with great sensitiveness and intolerance to pain. Infra-mammary pains worse, left side. Facial blemishes in young women.
Kalium Carbonicum
Pain through left labium, extending through abdomen to chest. Delayed menses in young girls, with chest symptoms or ascites. Difficult, first menses. Complaints after parturition. Uterine hemorrhage; constant oozing after copious flow, with violent backache, relieved by sitting and pressure.
Senecio Aureus
Manses retarded, suppressed. Functional amenorrhea of young girls with backache. Before menses, inflammatory conditions of throat, chest, and bladder. Anemic dysmenorrhea with urinary disturbances. Premature and too profuse menses.
Apis Melifica
Soreness and stinging pains; ovaritis; worse in right ovary. Manses suppressed, with cerebral and head symptoms, especially in young girls. Dysmenorrhea, with severe ovarian pains. Metrorrhagia profuse, with heavy abdomen, faintness, stinging pain. Sense of tightness. Bearing-down, as if menses were to appear. Ovarian tumors, metritis with stinging pains. Great tenderness over abdomen and uterine region.
Ignatia Amara
Suppressed manses from grief, anxiety, tension or depression.
Conium Maculatum
Manses delayed and scanty; parts sensitive. Breasts enlarge and become painful before and during menses. Rash before menses. Itching around pudenda. Unready conception. Induration of os and cervix. Ovaritis; ovary enlarged, indurated; lancinating pain. Ill effects of repressed sexual desire or suppressed menses, or from excessive indulgence. Leucorrhea after micturition.
Joanesia Asoca
Delayed and irregular menses; menstrual colic; amenorrhea, pain in ovaries before flow; menorrhagia, irritable bladder; leucorrhea.
P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).
For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.
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None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.
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Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed