The most accurate method of detecting the valve vegetations of endocarditis is with a procedure called transesophageal echocardiography (TEE).
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!The treatment for endocarditis consists of aggressive antibiotics, generally given intravenously, usually for 4 to 6 weeks.
The duration and intensity of treatment depends on the severity of the infection and the type of bacterial organism responsible.
In severe cases that damage the heart valves, surgical replacement of the valve may be necessary.
Symptoms that can be nonspecific and similar to those of many other conditions. For example, fever, malaise, weakness, and shortness of breath are common symptoms of endocarditis. Other symptoms that can occur with endocarditis are
- Chills,
- fever,
- Night sweats,
- Fatigue,
- Joint and muscle aches, and
- Swelling of the legs, abdomen, and feet due to fluid accumulation (edema).
Depending upon the cause of the endocarditis, other symptoms can occur. These include
- Nausea,
- Vomiting,
- Blood in the urine,
- Elevated blood cell count,
- Headaches,
- Cough,
- Anemia,
- Heart murmurs,
- Pale skin, and
- Painful red-purplish bumps under the skin of the fingers and toes known as Osler’s nodes.
In endocarditis, blood cultures can often detect the bacteria causing the endocarditis.
Who is at risk for Endocarditis?
- People with existing diseases of the heart valves (aortic stenosis, mitral stenosis, mitral regurgitation, etc.) and people who have undergone heart valve replacements are at an increased risk of developing endocarditis.
- These people are usually given antibiotics prior to any procedure which may introduce bacteria into the bloodstream.
- This includes routine dental work, minor surgery, and procedures that may traumatize body tissues such as colonoscopy and gynecologic or urologic examinations.
- The infection on the valve can cause build up of nodules on the valves called “vegetations”. These valve vegetations can be detected by echocardiography (an ultrasound examination of the heart).
- The most accurate method of detecting valve vegetations is with a procedure called transesophageal echocardiography (TEE).
- In this procedure, an echo-transducer is placed on the tip of a flexible endoscope.
- The endoscope is inserted through the mouth into the esophagus.
- The transducer at the tip of the endoscope is then able to take sound wave “pictures” of the heart valves located adjacent to the lower esophagus.
- It is important to realize that endocarditis may exist without visible vegetations on the heart valve; the exact diagnosis is made by the identification of bacteria in a blood culture.
Allopathic treatments for Endocarditis
- The mainstay of treatment is aggressive antibiotics, generally given intravenously, usually for 4-6 weeks.
- The duration and intensity of treatment depends on the severity of the infection and the type of bacterial organism responsible.
- In cases where the valve has been severely damaged by the infection, resulting in severe valve dysfunction, surgical replacement of the valve may be necessary.
- Response to treatment is indicated by a reduction in fever, negative blood bacterial cultures, and findings on echocardiography.
Antibiotic Prophylactic Regimens for Endocarditis
Not: Like all drugs, antibiotics can have side effects, up to 50% of all the antibiotics prescribed for people are not needed nor as effective as hoped, antibiotics is the single most important factor that has led to antibiotic resistance.
At least 230,000 people die each year as a direct result of these antibiotic-resistant infections. Almost 2500,000 people each year need hospital care for treatment of Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) infections. This infection is very difficult to treat. The use of antibiotics was the main reason why the illness developed. At least 144,000 people die each year from C. difficile infections. Many of these infections could have been prevented.
The overuse or inappropriate use of antibiotics gives bacteria a chance to adapt. When this happens, the antibiotics no longer work as well to treat the infection – the bacteria become “resistant” to antibiotics.
Homeopathic Treatment of Endocarditis
Aconitum Napellus
Clinical: Blindness. Chill. Convulsions. Deafness. Dyspnoea. Ears noises (tinnitus). Hemicrania. Hydrophobia. Landry’s paralysis. Liver enlargement. Neuralgia. Esophagus spasms. General Spasms. Spleen enlargement. Tetanus. Tongue affections. Trismus. Vomiting.
Short breathing, chiefly during sleep, and on getting up. Breathing painful, anxious, and attended with groans, rapid and superficial, or full, noisy, and with the mouth open. Breathing slow during sleep. Breath hot. Breath fetid. Constriction and anxious oppression of the chest, with difficulty of breathing.
Asthma of Millar. Attack of suffocation, with anxiety. Sensation of heaviness and of compression at the chest. Painful pricking in the chest, chiefly when breathing, coughing, and moving (even the arms). Stitches through the chest and side, esp. when breathing and coughing. Prickings in the side, with a lachrymose and plaintive humour, soothed, in some degree, by lying on the back. Pleurisy and pneumonia, especially with great heat, much thirst, dry cough and great nervous excitability, only somewhat relieved when lying on the back. Itching in the chest. Pains as of a bruise in the sternum and in the sides. Sensation of anguish in the chest, which interrupts respiration.
Palpitation of the heart, with great anxiety, heat of body, chiefly in the face, and great weariness in the limbs. Shootings in the region of the heart when moving or going upstairs. Sensation of compression and blows in the region of the heart. Inflammation of the heart. Chronic diseases of the heart, with continuous pressure in the left side of the chest, oppressed breathing when moving fast and ascending steps, stitches in the region of the heart, congestions to the head; attacks of fainting and tingling in the fingers. Fainting with tingling. Pulse full, strong, hard; slow, feeble; threadlike with anxiety; quick, hard, small.
Neck and Back. Weakness and pain, as from a bruise in the nape of the neck. Pain, as if from a bruise, in the back and loins. Painful stiffness in the nape of the neck, the loins, and the hip joints, tingling, and of pricking in the back.
Suppression of urine, with pressure in the bladder and pains in the loins. A frequent desire to discharge urine. Flow of urine, with sweat, diarrhoea, and colic. Involuntary urination (relaxed neck of the bladder). Enuresis, with thirst. Urine scanty, burning, deep red, and with a sediment of a brick colour (arising from taking cold, especially in children); suppression from cold. Bloody sediment in the urine. Scanty, red, hot. Heat and tenesmus in the neck of the bladder.
Clinical. Amaurosis. Angina pectoris. Asthma. Bright’s disease. Cyanosis. Delirium tremens. Dropsy. Fever. Gonorrhoea. Headache. Heart affections. Hydrocele. Hydrocephalus. Impotence. Jaundice. Lungs congestion. Memory lost. Meningitis. Noises in head. Paraphimosis. Prostate enlarged. Ptyalism. Spermatorrhoea. Toothache. Urinary disorders. Vision disorders.
Desire to take a deep breath. Breathing irregular and difficult. Cough with raw, sore feeling in chest. Expectoration sweetish. Senile pneumonia. Great weakness in chest. Dyspnoea, lungs feel compressed. Chronic bronchitis; passive congestion of the lungs, giving bloody sputum due to failing myocardium. Cannot bear to talk. Haemoptysis with weak heart.
The least movement causes violent palpitation (tachycardia/Bradycardia). Sudden sensation as if heart stood still. Frequent stitches in heart. Irregular heart especially of mitral disease. Cyanosis. Very slow pulse, intermits, weak and inequality. Pulse weak, and quickened by least movement. Pericarditis, copious serous exudation. Dilated heart, tired, irregular, with slow and feeble pulse. Hypertrophy with dilatation. Cardiac failure following fevers. Cardiac dropsy.
Stool and Anus. Faeces white like chalk or the colour of ashes. Diarrhoea of excrement mixed with mucus, preceded by shiverings and cutting pains. Dysenteric evacuations. Involuntary stools. Retention of stool; prolonged constipation. Watery diarrhoea; with much thirst.
Retention of urine as from contraction of the urethra. Urgent and almost futile, polyuria, Micturition, scanty urine. Pressure on the bladder, with the sensation as if it were too full, continuing after micturition. Frequent emission of small quantities of transparent/water-coloured urine. In a recumbent position the urine can be retained for a longer time. Bed wetting (at night). Urinary flux. Diminution of the secretion of urine, sometimes alternating with abundant emission. Urine of a deep colour, brownish or reddish. Nausea before and after urination. Prostate enlarged.
Swelling of the feet. Fingers go to sleep easily. Coldness of hands and feet. Rheumatic pain in joints. Shining, white swelling of joints. Muscular debility. Nocturnal swelling of fingers. Sensation in legs as if a red hot wire suddenly darted through them.
Clinical: Alcohol’s effects. Amenorrhoea. Angina pectoris. Asthma. Bone affections. Breath offensive. Corpulency. Depression. Ears affections. Erethism. Erysipelas. Eye affections. Fevers. Gonorrhoea. Haemorrhages. Haemorrhoids. Hemiopia. Hydrocele. Jaundice. Leucorrhoea. Locomotor ataxy. Melancholy. Melanosis. Mercurial poisoning. Nasopharyngeal catarrh. Night terrors. Ozoena. Paralysis. Phthisis. Pining boys. Scrofula. Smell disordered. Syphilis. Testicles affections, undeveloped testes. Nodular tongue. Tumours. Uterus induration. Vertigo. Vision disordered.
Burning heat and cutting pain in right hypochondrium. Accumulation of mucus in the trachea and in the chest, which is expectorated with difficulty in the morning. Voice nasal. Cough from want of breath at night. Morning cough with tough yellow sputum.
Great difficulty of respiration at night, and on walking in the open air, requiring deep inspirations. Paroxysms of suffocation with constrictive oppression of the chest, falling, loss of sense, and facial cyanosis. Pain as if there were a plug placed under the ribs. Continuous aching in left side of the chest. Incisive pain, and obtuse shootings, near the sternum. Great weight on chest; especially on sternum. Much congestion in the chest.
Anxious palpitation of the heart, from congestion to the chest. Bradycardia sometimes by fits, sometimes with anguish and oppression of the chest. Cardiac pain extending down left arm to fingers. Floundering heart. When walking, the heart seems to shake as if it were loose. Sensation as if the heart stood still. Palpitation compels him to stop.
Neck and Back. Swollen cervical glands. Tension in neck as if muscles too short, even at rest better when stooping. Stinging pains in small of back. Gressus gallinaceous (in spine disease). Pain at lower part of spine. Pains, generally passive, or drawing and acute, in the back, chiefly in the morning, and sometimes so violent as to prevent any motion of the limbs.
Stool – Copious. Nocturnal diarrhoea. Nightly diarrhoea, with burning in the rectum. Constipation; stool very large in size, very hard and knotty.
Painful retention of urine, with urgent inclination, pressure on the bladder. Polyuria. Urine turbid like butter-milk, urine with thick mucus-like sediment.
Pulse small but accelerated. Febrile shiverings over the whole body, while in bed in the evening, followed neither by heat nor thirst. Body coldness with bluish colour of the nails (capillary blood circulation), nauseous taste with inclination to vomit. Heat of the face, with cold in upper and lower extremities. Copious general morning perspiration; mostly about genitals.
Painful urine retention, with urgent inclination and pressure on the bladder. watery (transparent) polyuria.
Latrodectus Mactans
Extreme apnoea. Respiration only occasional, gasping. Violent precordial pains extending to axilla and down left arm and forearm to fingers with numbness of the extremity and apnoea, pulse 130, pulse so frequent it could not be counted and so feeble it could scarcely be felt. Pulse quick and thready (in few minutes). Pain in precordia with apnoea; screaming fearfully, exclaiming that she would lose her/his breath and die.
Latrodectus Katipo
Respirations almost ceased. Heart almost pulseless. Pulse slow, scarcely more than twelve or fourteen beats to the minute.
Lower Limbs, severe shaking, burning pain accompanied by nervous twitching all over body soon; pain felt almost equally in both limbs.
Small, red spot like flea-bite. Extremities cold and flaccid. A cold, clammy sweat covered lower extremities; in morning sweat covered both limbs.
Cactus Grandiflorus
Difficulty of breathing; attacks of suffocation with fainting. Chronic bronchitis, with rattling of mucus. Chest pricking pain with oppressed respiration (pneumonia). Oppression of breathing in going upstairs. Periodical suffocation, with fainting, and sweat on face and loss of pulse. Haemoptysis, with convulsive cough. Sharp pains shooting from body to back and up into chest, with sensation of rush of blood to chest (rheumatism of diaphragm).
Cardiac pain with jerking body, frequently repeated. Pricking and stitches in the heart. Tachycardia, palpitation in small irregular beats (at times frequent, at others slow). Pains in apex of heart, shooting down left arm to ends of fingers; feeble pulse; dyspnoea.-Endocardial murmurs; excessive impulse; increased precordial dullness; enlarged ventricle. Oedema of left hand only. Aneurism. Atheromatous arteries.
Oedema of the feet. General weakness and prostration of strength. Haemorrhages: from nose; lungs; rectum; bladder; stomach.
Constriction of neck of bladder.-Irritation in urethra, as if pyuria. Urine passes by drops, micturition, urine of a straw colour. urine with sediments of red sand. Haematuria; urination prevented by clots.
Constipation; stool hard and black. Diarrhoea, watery, mucous, bilious (in forenoon). Sensation of great weight (in anus), and urging to evacuate a great quantity, but nothing passes. Copious haemorrhage with bowels. Rectal itching. Fluent haemorrhoids. Fissure and/or Fistula with violent tachycardia.
Crataegus oxyacantha
Cardiac dropsy. Fatty degeneration. Aortic disease. Extreme dyspnoea on least exertion, without much increase of pulse. Pain in region of heart and under left clavicle. Heart muscles seem flabby, worn out. Cough (cardia cough). First cardiac sound weak. Pulse accelerated, irregular, feeble, intermittent. Valvular murmurs. Cutaneous chilliness, cianosis; all these symptoms aggravated by exertion or excitement. Sustains heart in infectious diseases.
Excessive perspiration. Skin eruptions. Insomnia of aortic patients.
Tachycardia with heat in the face, accelerated pulse and pulsation of the carotid arteries, distinct pulsation over the whole body. In the heart sensation of fulness, heaviness, and heat, with laboured beating of the heart. Pulse accelerated; rises and falls alternately; low and feeble in sunstroke. Severe stitches from the heart, extending into the back. Purring cardiac sounds when lying.
Increased secretion of pale (albuminous) urine; nocturnal polyuria and must pass large quantities of albuminous urine. Tubal nephritis, with headache, brought on by walking in the sun; numbness in arms and hands alternating with intense tingling.
Diarrhoeic stools with rumbling, sharp burning and discharges of flatus, beginning in the morning and lasting all day. Diarrhoea; copious, loose, blackish, lumpy stools.
Constipation and haemorrhoids which itched and pained. At an unaccustomed time, a hard and unusual stool; pinching in abdomen before and after stools.
Fainting with consciousness. Great weakness and prostration. Unconscious falling down (low brain blood circulation). Painless throbbing in the whole body. Pulsations, tingling, thrills, and a peculiar sensation of warmth through the body, extending from above downward. Fingers are spread apart and stretched out. Seeming plethora, rapid deviations in distributions of blood.
Yawning with headache, congestion of blood to the head. Insomnia but is difficult to waken.
Pulse accelerated, irregular, intermitting, full and hard, small and rapid. Chill: after getting heated; alternates with sweat; with vomiting; head as if screwed up; intermittent fever. Heat especially in face, ascending from pit of stomach to head. Perspiration principally in the face, forehead, chest and after sleeping. Perspiration relieves the nausea.
Naja Tripudians
Angina pectoris. Endocarditis. Asthma. Dysmenia. Hay-fever. Headache. Cardiac diseases. spasmodic esophagus, Ovaries affections. Plague. Spinal irritation (of nucha). Throat infections (especially staphylococcus).
Uneasiness and dull, heavy pain in chest, pains are like hot iron rod. Lancinating pains feels better on deep inspiration. Asthmatic constriction of chest; cannot expand lungs; followed by mucous expectoration. Cannot cough for the stabbing. Tenderness over sternum and in throat. Feeling of depression and uneasiness about heart.
Fluttering and palpitation of heart. Loud audible beating. Pulse slow and irregular in rhythm and force; weak and thready, scarcely perceptible. Action only recognised by pushing hand up behind sternum, then felt only a faint thrill resembling the cardiac thrill felt in the same way on a newborn infant.
Pulse rapid; and full; 120, some beats tolerably full and strong, afterwards 32, irregular in rhythm and force, some of the beats full and bounding. Cutting and aching in nape. Rheumatic pains in neck and back. Pain between the shoulders.
Creeping, itching, and tingling sensation on the skin. Skin swelled, mottled, and of dark purple/cyanotic, livid colour. Large pimples on inflamed base. Small white blisters on inflamed base, with much itching. Gangrene. Boil-like swelling. Painful chilblains on feet.
Pimple: on upper lip; on left ala nasi; on inflamed base, on tip of nose, nose sore in consequence; painful on brow. White itching blisters on inflamed base, on neck and body.
Body cold and collapsed. Extremities very cold; icy coldness. Burning heat in face. Free perspiration. Heat but refuses water; heat with prostration; with discomfort, dry lips, and tender, hot mouth. Head hot; and full of blood. Burning of ear. Flushes of heat in face at different times of day; flushes in face, hands, palms sweating, general sweating.
Sudden urging to stool. Bilious diarrhoea. Constipation. Feeling of a large stool which when voided was small bilious (slimy, white or green). Heat in anal region with itching smarting.
Uneasiness and pressure in bladder. Urine deposits red sediment, mixed with mucus. Urine of deep straw colour.
Arsenicum Album
Shortness of breath, difficulty of respiration, choking, dyspnoea, and attack of suffocation, endocarditis, sometimes with cold sweat, spasmodic constriction of the chest or of the larynx, anguish, great weakness, body cold, pain in the pit of the stomach, and paroxysm of cough.
The sufferings occur chiefly in the evening in bed, or at night, when lying down; also in windy weather, in the fresh and cold air, or in the heat of a room, or when warmly clothed, on being fatigued, on being angry, on walking, on moving, and even on laughing.
Respiration anxious, stertorous, and wheezing. Oppression of the chest on coughing, on walking, and on going upstairs. Constriction and compression of the chest, sometimes with great anxiety, inability to speak, and fainting fits. Tension and pressure in the chest. Stitches and pressing in the sternum. Shooting pains in the chest and in the sternum. Chilliness or coldness in the chest. Shivering, or great heat and burning in the chest. Heat, burning, itching in the chest. Yellowish spots on the chest.
Violent and insupportable throbbings of the heart, chiefly when lying on the back. Irregular beatings (bradycardia) sometimes with anguish and cramps. Palpitation and trembling weakness after stool; must lie down. Palpitation after suppressed herpes or foot-sweat. Angina pectoris. Hydropericardium. Fatty degeneration.
Oedematous, painless swellings of the neck and of the lower jaw. Tetters between the shoulder blades. Violent and burning pain in the back, powerfully aggravated by the touch.
Fever with great weakness, dropsical affections, pains in the regions of the liver and of the spleen. Frequent colliquative, or cold and viscid sweats; sweat at night, or in the evening on going to sleep, or in the morning on waking; partial sweat, chiefly on the face and legs. Perspiration cold, clammy, smelling sour or offensive.
Constipation, with frequent, but ineffectual inclination to evacuate. Tenesmus, with burning in the anus. Involuntary and unperceived evacuations. Violent diarrhoea with frequent evacuations, nausea, vomiting, thirst, great weakness, colic, and tenesmus. Nocturnal diarrhoea. Burning and corrosive evacuations; faeces with mucus, or bilious, sanguineous, serous, painless, involuntary – of greenish, yellowish, whitish colour (bilious), or brownish and blackish (liver and/or spleen); fetid and putrid evacuations; evacuations of undigested substances (liver). Prolapsus of the rectum: with much pain. Itching, pain as from excoriation, and burning in the rectum and in the anus, as well as in the haemorrhoidal tumours, chiefly at night. Shootings in the haemorrhoidal tumours.
Retention of urine. Frequent inclination, nocturnal polyuria with abundant emission. Incontinence of urine which escapes almost involuntarily, even at night, in bed. Difficult and painful emission of urine. Scanty urine, of a deep yellow colour. Urine aqueous, greenish, brownish, or turbid, with mucus-like sediment. Sanguineous urine.
Terminalia Arjuna
Cardiac asthma and bronchodilator. An astringent, demulcent, expectorant, cardiotonic, styptic, antidysenteric, urinary astringent, and has shown to be useful in fracture, ulcers, leukorrhea, diabetes, anemia, cardiomyopathy, endocarditis and cirrhosis. This homeopathic mother tincture can be used for improving cardiovascular health and it strengthens cardiac muscles and prevents any serious illness affecting it, anginal pain, hypertension, congestive heart failure, and dyslipidemia,
Helps in improving energy levels and reduces fatigue, reduces risk factors and has fewer side effects. Terminalia Arjuna is useful in both organic and functional diseases of the heart.
In fractures, pain all over the body owing to a fall and all sorts of ecchymosis.
Arjuna is also efficacious in spermatorrhoea and gonorrhea.