Hemolysis refers to the natural destruction of old or damaged red blood cells (RBCs). Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria, or PNH, is a blood disease that is caused when the cells responsible for making red blood cells (which help to carry oxygen around the body) mutate and produce defective blood cells. This triggers the immune system to attack and destroy these defective red blood cells, a process called haemolysis.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!PNH is a rare disease that can affect anyone of any age, race or gender. No one is born with PNH; it is known as an ‘acquired disease’, which means it cannot be inherited and it is not contagious.
Excessive hemolysis can cause a low amount of RBCs and lead to hemolytic anemia. Red blood cells have a lifespan of about 120 days, after which they are broken down by the body and replaced with new RBCs.
In normal conditions, the rate of RBC destruction is matched by the rate of formation of new RBCs. However, excessive hemolysis can cause a low amount of RBCs and lead to hemolytic anemia.
Genetic causes
- Sickle cell disease (a condition in which a defective hemoglobin, called hemoglobin S, causes RBCs to acquire an abnormal shape)
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency (deficiency of the enzyme G-6-PD that ensures that the RBCs function properly and protects them from harmful substances in the blood)
- Red cell membrane disorders such as hereditary spherocytosis, hereditary elliptocytosis, and hereditary poikilocytosis
- Thalassemia (a condition in which the body does not produce enough hemoglobin [the oxygen-carrying pigment in RBCs])
Acquired anemia causes
- Medications such as malaria drugs, sulfa drugs, acetaminophen, antiviral medications, and penicillin
- Infections such as hepatitis, cytomegalovirus, typhoid, and dengue
- Autoimmune disorders (occur due to destruction of the RBCs by the immune system)
- Certain types of cancer such as blood cancer or cancer treatment
- Hypersplenism (enlarged or hyperactive spleen)
- Physical damage to the RBCs due to causes such as defective prosthetic heart valves
- Blood transfusion reactions
Even in patients with hereditary cases of hemolytic anemia, certain environmental conditions may act as a trigger for hemolysis. For example, anemia due to G-6-PD deficiency may be triggered by certain allopathic medications or infections.
Symptoms of hemolytic anemia vary depending on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. They may not always be apparent but can be triggered by a stressful event, allopathic medication, or infection (called a hemolytic crisis).
Symptoms of excess hemolysis in the body include:
- Pale skin complexion
- Weakness or fatigue
- Increased heart rate
- Jaundice (yellowish color of the skin and white of eyes)
- Poor exercise tolerance
- Shortness of breath
- Dark urine
- Fever
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Pain in the abdomen or joints
Blood tests, urinalysis, and bone marrow aspiration or biopsy may be ordered to confirm a diagnosis.
Allopathic treatment for Hemolysis
The treatment of the anemia varies greatly. First, the underlying cause of the anemia needs to be identified and corrected. For example: anemia as a result of blood loss from a stomach ulcer should begin with medications to heal the ulcer. Similarly, surgery is often necessary to remove a colon cancer that is causing chronic blood loss and anemia. Inflammatory bowel disease, parasitic manifestations in gut, Schistosomiasis etc.
Advise iron supplements to correct iron deficiency. In severe anemia, blood transfusions may be necessary.
Vitamin B12 injections will be necessary for patients suffering from pernicious anemia, a name for vitamin B-12 deficiency (Metabolic anemia).
In certain patients with bone marrow disease (or bone marrow damage from chemotherapy) or patients with kidney failure, epoetin alfa may be used to stimulate bone marrow in red blood cell production.
If patient has any type of liver and/or spleen disease, try to treat that organ.
If a medication is thought to be the culprit for anemia, then it should be discontinued under the direction of the prescribing doctor.
Homeopathic treatment for Hemolysis
There is numerous homeopathy medicine to treat anaemia and even cause(s) of anemia, Here are some of them:
Aletris Farinosa
Extreme weakness and fatigue. Such patients always feel tired with minimal energy levels. Vertigo, with sleepiness, vomiting, purging; even stupefaction. Facial skin looks pale. Repeated abortions, Vaginal discharges, abundant bleeding during periods. Appetite lost; with weakness. Disgust for food, nausea; obstinate indigestion. Vomiting during pregnancy. Cramps. Griping. Pain all through abdomen, scanty diarrhoeic stool. Aching in hypogastrium and across back of hips. Hysteric colic. Haemorrhoids. Urine incontinence. Menorrhagia, profuse, and black. Prolapsus. Sterility. Habitual tendency to abort; sensation of weight in uterine region; tendency to prolapse.
Metabolic anemia. Malnutrition. Pernicious Anemia This type of Anemia arises from an autoimmune disorder where there is atrophy of gastric mucosa with the resultant decrease in parietal cells and intrinsic factor produced by these cells. Intrinsic factor is required to absorb Vitamin B12. So, in Pernicious Anemia, defective absorption of Vitamin B12 is the cause and not its nutritional deficiency. Malnutrition.
Arsenicum Album
If the cause is malaria or other liver and/or spleen disease. Haemolytic Anemia (destruction of red blood cells as in malaria), and abnormal red blood cells prone to breakage, Sickle Cell Anemia. Thalassemia (impaired haemoglobin production). Great anguish and restlessness. Face swollen, pale, yellow, cachectic, sunken, cold, and covered with sweat. Expression of agony. Itching, burning, swellings; oedema, eruption, papular, dry, rough, scaly; worse cold and scratching. Malignant pustules. Ulcers with offensive discharge. Anthrax. Poisoned wounds. Urticaria, with burning and restlessness. Psoriasis. Scirrhus. Icy coldness of body. Epithelioma of the skin. Gangrenous inflammations. Tearing needle-like pains; burning. Lips black, livid. Angry, circumscribed flush of cheeks. Ulcers in mouth, GI tract. Epithelioma. Dysentery dark, bloody, very offensive. Albuminuria. Epithelial cells; cylindrical clots of fibrin and globules of pus and blood in urine. Palpitation and/or pain, dyspnoea, faintness. Pulse rapid in morning. Dilatation. Cyanosis. Fatty degeneration. Angina pectoris. Septic fevers. Hay-fever. Cold sweats. Typhoid.
Alstonia Sclerosis
If the cause is malaria or other liver and/or spleen disease. Malarial diseases, with diarrhoea, dysentery, anaemia, feeble digestion. Bloody stool, dysentery; diarrhoea from bad water and malaria. Painless watery stools
Stitching, burning pain in head, with vertigo. Low-spirited; fears loss of reason. Confused as to personal identity. Hasty, hurried. Time passes slowly. Variable mood. Objects look yellow. Eustachian tube feels plugged. Worms/Ascarides. Abnormal cravings-chalk, charcoal, dry food, tea-grounds. Heartburn; feels constricted. Aversion to meat. Stool hard dry, knotty; no desire. Rectum sore, dry, inflamed, bleeding. Muscles of bladder paretic. Pain in kidneys, with mental confusion. Frequent desire to urinate. Menses too early, short, scanty, pale, followed by severe exhaustion. Leucorrhoea acrid, profuse transparent, ropy, with burning. Arms feel paralyzed. Legs feel asleep. Paralytic weakness. Bad nutrition.
China Officianalis
China acts both as a haemorrhage controller as well as enhances the amount of blood after the bleeding episodes. One of the best homeopathic medicines after too many allopathic drugs and/or for excessive bleeding/blood loss. Debility from exhausting discharges, from loss of vital fluids, together with a nervous erethism. Bleeding could be due to traumatic injury, periods, and so on. The person is usually tired and faints quite often. China is used to control hemorrhage as well as improves blood quantity after bleeding episodes. Sickle Cell Anemia. Spasmodic throbic headache. Blue color around eyes. Hollow eyes. Yellowish sclerotica. Black specks, bright dazzling illusions. Spots before eyes. Tinnitus. Vomiting of undigested food. Slow digestion. Tympanitic abdomen. Pain in right hypochondrium. Gallstone colic. Liver and spleen swollen and enlarged. Jaundice. Internal coldness of stomach and abdomen. Gastro-duodenal catarrh.
Triumfetta Semitriloba
Internal ulcerations. Antihypertensive, astringent, diuretic, mucilaginous and emollient. Diarrhoea, dysentery, internal haemorrhages and gonorrhoea. Leprosy.
Patients with severe colds. Sterility (it promotes childbirth). Boils.
Kalium Carbonicum
Alternating moods. Vertigo on turning. Nausea. Sea Sickness. Stitches in eyes. Spots, gauze, and black points before eyes. Stitches in ears. Itching, cracking, ringing and roaring. Epistaxis when washing face. Dyspepsia. Sour vomiting; throbbing and cutting in stomach. Disgust for food. Epigastric pain to back. Hepatomegaly. Old chronic liver troubles, with soreness. Jaundice and dropsy. Hemorrhoids, large, swollen, painful. Itching, ulcerated pimples around anus. Large discharge of blood with natural stool. Uterine haemorrhage. Tachycardia and burning in heart region. Weak, rapid pulse; intermits, due to digestive disturbance. Threatened heart failure.
Calceria Phosphorica
One of the most important tissue remedies. Anemia. Peevish, forgetful; after grief and vexation. Defective hearing. Headache, with abdominal flatulence. Bleeding after hard stool. Diarrhoea. Green, slimy, hot, sputtering, undigested stools with fetid flatus. Fistula in ano. Menses too early and excessive. Prolonged nursing. Malnutrition.
Iridium Metallicum
Intestinal putrefaction and septicaemia. Anaemia, increases red corpuscles. Epilepsy; lupus. Rheumatism and gout. Uterine tumors. Spinal paresis. Exhaustion after disease. Puny and weak-limbed patients. Nephritis of pregnancy. Kidney weakness.
Ferrum Metallicum
Anaemia with tachycardia. Best adapted to young weakly persons, anaemic and chlorotic, with pseudo-plethora, who flush easily; cold extremities; over sensitiveness; worse after any active effort. Weakness from mere speaking or walking though looking strong. Pallor of skin, mucous membranes, face, alternating with flushes. Orgasms of blood to face, chest, head, lungs, etc. Irregular distribution of blood. Pseudo-plethora. Muscles flabby and relaxed. Vomiting immediately after eating. Vomiting after midnight. Stool undigested. Discharge of long pieces from uterus. Women who are weak, delicate, chlorotic, yet have a fiery-red face. Menses too early, too profuse, last too long; pale, watery. Sensitive vagina. Tendency to abortion. Prolapse of vagina. Bradycardia. Anaemic murmur. Pulse full, but soft and yielding; also, small and weak. Heart suddenly bleeds into the blood vessels, and as suddenly draws a reflux, leaving pallor of surface.
Ferrum Phosphoricum
Early stages of febrile conditions, it stands midway between sthenic activity of Aconite and Bell, and the asthenic sluggishness and torpidity of Gels. The typical Ferr phos subject is not full blooded and robust, but nervous, sensitive, anaemic with the false plethora and easy flushing of Ferrum. Prostration marked; face more active than Gels. The superficial redness never assumes the dusky hue of Gels. Pulse soft and flowing; no anxious restlessness of Acon. Susceptibility to chest troubles. Bronchitis of young children. In acute exacerbation of tuberculosis, a fine palliative of wonderful power. Corresponds to Gravel’s Oxygenoid Constitution, the inflammatory, febrile, emaciating, wasting consumptive. Ferr phos (in lower potencies) increases hemoglobin. In pale, anaemic subjects, with violent local congestions. Haemorrhages, bright from any orifice. Vertigo. Aversion to meat and milk. Vomiting of undigested food. Vomiting of bright red blood. Peritonitis. Haemorrhoids. Stools watery, bloody, undigested. Palpitation; pulse rapid. Cardiac diseases. Short, quick, soft pulse.
Ceanothus Americanus
Ceanothus Americanus has specific relation to the spleen. Ague cake of malaria. A left-sided remedy generally. Anaemic patients where liver and spleen are at fault. Chronic bronchitis with profuse secretion. Marked blood pressure, reducing powers. Active hemostatic, materially reducing the clotting of blood. Splenomegaly. Urine constant urging to urinate. Urine green; frothy; contains bile, sugar.
Yellow atrophy of the liver and sub-acute hepatitis, prostration, faints, sweats, shooting pains, etc. Polycythemia. Blood extravasations; fatty degenerations, cirrhosis, caries. Loss of memory. Vertigo. Congestion of head. Brain-fag. Face pale, sickly complexion; blue rings under eyes. Hippocratic countenance. Throws up ingesta by the mouthfuls. Vomiting. Sharp, cutting pains in stomach. Ulcerative colitis. A very weak, empty, gone sensation felt in whole abdominal cavity. Liver congested. Acute hepatitis. Fatty degeneration. Jaundice. Pancreatic disease. Large, yellow spots on abdomen. Hematuria. Metritis. Chlorosis. Phlebitis. Fistulous tracts after mammary abscess. Slight haemorrhage from uterus between periods. Menses too early and scanty-not profuse, but last too long. Weeps before menses. Stitching pain in mammae. Leucorrhoea profuse, smarting, corrosive, instead of menses. Amenorrhoea, with vicarious menstruation. Violent heart palpitation with anxiety.
Sad, crying readily; weeps when talking; changeable, contradictory, very irritable: sensitive to all impressions. Ugly, malicious. Mucous membranes are all affected. Discharges thick, bland, and yellowish-green. Often indicated after abuse of allopathic Iron supplements. Severe headaches. Aversion to fatty food. Dyspepsia. Rumbling, watery stools. Congestive headache, associated with haemorrhoids.
Nux Vomica
Nux patient is rather thin, spare, quick, active, nervous, and irritable, with bad nutritional habits. Sour mouth taste and nausea. Liver engorged, with stitches and soreness. Haematuria. Spermatorrhoea. Menses too early, lasts too long; always irregular, blood black.
Natrum Muriaticum
Prolonged taking of excessive salt causes profound nutritive changes to take place in the system, and there arise not only the symptoms of salt retention as evidenced by dropsies and oedemas, but also an alteration in the blood causing a condition of anaemia and leukocytosis. Anaemia due to Stress, depression and anxiety. Palpitations with fluttering sensations. Excessive use of salt. Vertigo along with tachycardia. A best choice for certain forms of intermittent fever, anaemia, chlorosis, many disturbances of the alimentary tract and skin. Great debility; most weakness felt in the morning in bed. Coldness. Emaciation most notable in neck. Great liability to take cold. Dry mucous membranes. Constrictive sensation throughout the body. Great weakness and weariness. Oversensitive to all sorts of influences. Hyperthyroidism. Goitre. Addison’s disease. Diabetes. Throbbing blinding headache. Burning pains and stitching after stool. Anus contracted, torn, bleeding. Constipation. Menses irregular, profuse. Tachycardia. Sensation of coldness of heart. Heart and chest feel constricted. Fluttering, palpitating; intermittent pulse. Heart’s pulsations shake body. Intermits on lying down.
Acid Nitricum
Blisters and ulcers in mouth, tongue, genitals; bleed easily. Fissures, with pain during stool, as if rectum were torn. All discharges very offensive, especially urine, feces, and perspiration. Persons who have chronic diseases, and take cold easily and disposed to diarrhoea. Excessive physical irritability. Cachexia, due to syphilis, scrofula, intermittent fever with liver involvement and anaemia, etc. Gravel; arthritis. Capillary bleeding after curettage. Irritable, hateful, vindictive, headstrong. Bleeding of gums. Ulcers in soft palate, with sharp, splinter-like pains. Salivation and fetor oris. Bloody saliva. Haemorrhages from bowels, profuse, bright. Prolapsus ani. Hemorrhoids bleed easily. Diarrhoea, slimy and offensive. After stools, irritable and exhausted. Jaundice, aching in liver.
Urine. scanty, dark, offensive. Smells like ammonia. Cold on passing. Burning and stinging. Urine bloody and albuminous. Alternation of cloudy, phosphatic urine with profuse urinary secretion in old prostatic cases. Uterine haemorrhages. Menses early, profuse, like muddy water, with pain in back, hips and thighs. Stitches through vagina. Metrorrhagia after parturition.
Acid Picricum
Muscular debility. Heavy tired feeling. Myelitis with spasms and prostration. Writer’s palsy. Progressive, pernicious anaemia. Uraemia with complete anuria. Dementia with prostration. Severe headaches, vertigo. Bitter mouth taste. Aversion to food. Inflammation of kidneys with profound weakness, dark, bloody, scanty urine.
Along with Homeopathic treatments, advise your patient to eat Vit-B12, calcium, vit-K and iron-rich food and have a regular blood check-up at least once in six months.