Nipah - virus - Causes - symptoms - Diagnosis - Best treatment options - Homeopathic treatment - Dr Qaisar Ahmed - Dixe - cosmetics - Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan

Nipah Virus is a zoonotic virus (disease that animals can transmit to humans); the virus often infects animals such as pigs and fruit bats (Pteropodid), but they may be asymptomatic.

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The cause of a Nipah virus infection is the Nipah virus (NiV). The virus can cause a range of symptoms in people, and cases can range from mild to deadly. Nipah virus (NiV) is a member of the family Paramyxoviridae, genus Henipavirus and is related to Hendra virus that infects horses.


Humans who have direct contact with infected fruit bats or infected pigs are the usual way an outbreak begins. However, the consumption of raw date palm sap contaminated with bat feces is another common way to get the disease. Human-to-human transmission (contagious) occurs during close contact between family members and/or medical caregivers.

The incubation period for Nipah virus usually varies from about five to fourteen days. There have been a few cases with much longer incubation periods (45 days).

Doctors do not completely understand the contagious period for infection, but it likely begins during the incubation period (proven in pigs) and continues until the patient stops shedding virus. In most patients, this occurs when the symptoms and signs of the infection are diminished.

Symptoms of Nipah virus infection

The signs and symptoms of Nipah virus infection begin with encephalitis; fever with persistent cough and difficulty in breathing and chillness, acute respiratory infection (mild or severe); influenza-like symptoms — fever, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, sore throat, dizziness and drowsiness (encephalitis signs), fear of death, scanty urine, confusion and disorientation in time and place, delirium, convulsion, myocarditis and vasculitis.

Encephalitis and seizures occur in severe cases, progressing to coma within 24 to 48 hours.

Encephalitis follows and those infected may exhibit:

  • drowsiness,
  • disorientation,
  • mental confusion,
  • altered consciousness, and
  • seizures that can progress, within 24-48 hours, to coma and eventually death.


A combination of tests that diagnoses Nipah virus includes the following.

  • Viral isolation,
  • RT-PCR, and
  • Antibody detection by the ELISA tests is the test that health care professionals use most often to diagnose Nipah virus infection.

Allopathic treatments for Nipah virus infection

  • According to the allopathic scientists, supportive care is the only current treatment for this viral infection.
  • There is no vaccine specifically available to protect humans.
  • However, some researchers suggest that the antiviral drug ribavirin may be useful, but there is little or no data to support this.
  • A human monoclonal antibody that targets the G glycoprotein of Nipah virus has shown benefit in a ferret animal model and in experiments on prisoners and mentally ill people of this disease, but researchers have not enough data and results of those experiments.

Homeopathic Treatment for Nipah virus

As we know that treatment of Nipah virus is depends on antiviral medication and treat the other symptoms and complication caused by Nipah virus; Homeopathy has too many medicines for different types of viruses and there complications, for example:

Nipah - virus - Causes - symptoms - Diagnosis - Best treatment options - Homeopathic treatment - Dr Qaisar Ahmed - Dixe - cosmetics - Best Homeopathic doctor in PakistanAurum Mettalicum

Aurum Metallicum is a best anti-viral medicine; best choice for Nipah virus. Severe depression. Hopeless, despondent, and great desire to commit suicide. Feeling of self-condemnation and utter worthlessness. Profound despondency, with increased blood pressure, with thorough disgust of life, and thoughts of suicide. Talks of committing suicide. Great fear of death. Dyspnea at night. Frequent, deep breathing; stitches in sternum. Peevish and vehement at least contradiction. Anthropophobia. Mental derangements. Constant rapid questioning without waiting for reply. Cannot do things fast enough. Over sensitiveness to noise, excitement, confusion etc. Violent headache; worse at night, outward pressure. Roaring in head. Vertigo.

Appetite and thirst increased, with qualmishness. Swelling of epigastrium. Burning at stomach and hot eructation. Right hypochondrium hot and painful. Incarcerated flatus. Swelling and suppuration of inguinal glands. Constipation, stools hard and knotty. Nocturnal diarrhea, with burning in rectum.

Destruction of bones. Pain in bones of head, lumps under scalp, exostosis with nightly pains in bones. Caries of nasal, palatine and mastoid bones. Soreness of affected bones.

Dropsy of lower limbs. Orgasm, as if blood were boiling in all veins. Paralytic, tearing pains in joints. Knees weak.

Agaricus Muscarious

Aversion to conversation. Indisposed to perform any kind of labor. Mania, timid, or furious, with great display of strength. Silly merriness. Nipah Virus infection. Delirium, tries to get out of bed. Delirium constant, knows no one, throws things. Delirium tremens. Morose. Dizziness. Vertigo, with impulse to fall backward. The bright light of the sun instantly produces a dizziness, so as to occasion falling.

Expectoration of small globules of mucus, almost without cough. Spasmodic, convulsive, nervous cough, which may provoke secondary hemorrhage. Respiration short and labored, with difficulty of walking. Oppressive constriction of the chest, with a necessity for frequent and deep inspirations. Pain principally in the lower part of the chest. Pricking in the chest. Copious nocturnal sweat upon the chest, like pneumonia. Viral infections. Nipah virous.

Heart sit chest; burning, shooting pains, extending to shoulder-blade. Painful palpitations of the heart. With heart symptoms, paralyzed feeling in left arm and hand. Pulse weak, dicrotic, intermittent.

Attacks of bulimia. After a meal, pressure in the stomach and the abdomen, with fulness. Very drowsy after dinner. Eructation alternately with hiccough. Nausea, with cutting pains. Inclination to vomit immediately after a meal. Shootings (sharp needle-like pains) in the hepatic region. Pricking in the region of the spleen during and after inspiration. Cutting and pinching pains in the abdomen as from diarrhea. Abundant expulsion of flatulency of a fetid odor.

Hard stools of a dark color after a period of constipation. Loose stools in the form of pap, with flatulency and severe colic. Tingling and itching in the anus, as from worms.

Neck and back pain as from fatigue and dislocation in the back, at the nape of the neck and in the loins. Painful weakness in the muscles of the back. Paralytic pain in the loins, increased by walking or by standing. Limbs affected diagonally. Tearing in limbs. Cracking in joints. Subsalts tendendum.

Upper Limbs/arms weak and without vigor. Burning pain in the arms, followed by an eruption of small pimples with scaling of the epidermis. Parkinson’s disease. Lower Limbs, legs heavy and fatigued, especially in the thighs. Twitching in gluteal muscles. Pains in legs like electric shocks. On crossing thighs feels a violent pain in them. Drawing in the legs, as if in the interior of the bone. Painful sensation in the hip on walking. Drawing in the legs. Darting pain in the feet and in the toes. Drawing pressure in the malleolar. Burning itching and redness in the toes. Bunion.  Fever. Disposition exceedingly chilly, and shivering. Nipah virus infection. Easy chilliness on slight movement. Violent shivering and trembling over the whole body, with heat in the face and cold in the hands.

Crotalus Horidus

Memory weak; stupid, cannot express himself; makes ridiculous mistakes; with coldness of skin. Torpid, sluggish, incoherent, hesitating, quiet indifference. Delirium: with drowsiness; with wide-open eyes; loquacious with desire to escape. Sadness. Oppression of brain. Excessive sensitiveness, easily moved to tears. Weeping, with timidity, fear, anxiety. Snappish temper. Vertigo with faintness; with weakness and trembling; with pale face; epileptic. Fainting on assuming upright position. Dizziness and fainting with occipital headache. Apoplectic convulsions at outset of zymotic diseases like Nipah virus. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Nipah - virus - Causes - symptoms - Diagnosis - Best treatment options - Homeopathic treatment - Dr Qaisar Ahmed - Dixe - cosmetics - Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan

Cough with stitch and bloody expectoration. Dry cough on speaking. Whooping-cough, with blueness or pallor which is long in passing off, attacks followed by puffiness of face and hemorrhagic spots, bloodshot eyes, epistaxis, frothy, stringy, bloody expectorations; threatened oedema and paralysis of lungs. Burning in chest. Pneumonia with tendency to gangrene.

Auditory cardiac with soft, weak pulse; with venous congestion and degraded blood; with dilated pupils from lightning, anemia, or sunstroke; from fright; feeling as if heart tumbled over.

Hunger with trembling and weakness. Unquenchable burning thirst. Eructation, sharp, sour, rancid. Nausea on movement, bilious vomiting. Dark green vomiting immediately on lying on right side or back. Black vomit. Hematemesis, blood does not coagulate. Stitches in region of liver on drawing a long breath, relived by pressure. Jaundice; malignant jaundice with hemorrhage. Heat and tenderness of abdomen. Swelling. Violent pain in course of colon; in region of appendix. Bubo.

Stools: black, thin, offensive; dark green, followed by debility; yellow, watery with stinging in abdomen. Constipation with congestion to head and headache. Vomiting, purging and micturition simultaneously caused by spasmodic contractions with tenesmus and strangury. White stools. Hemorrhage, dark, fluid, uncoagulable. Hemorrhoids.

Tearing pains from shoulder to neck. Pain on top of shoulder and in ascending aorta.  Aching in kidney and in stomach. Painful paralytic sensation. Rheumatic and neuralgic pains. Bruised pain in joints and bones. Numb pain as after cramp in anterior of fingers and in toes. Contraction of flexors.

Limb jerking, trembling, cramps, numbness. Drawing suddenly from hip to foot. Small purple spots on legs.

Severe temperature. Sweat: cold; colored, especially axillary; bloody. Malignant scarlatina, with infiltration of tissues. Yellow fever, hemorrhagic, oozing of blood from every pore, vomiting and purging bloody and bilious; fainting. Septic or purpuric fevers.


Weak memory. Loses the thread of conversation. Cannot speak without weeping. Hopeless of recovery. Difficult concentration. Fears going insane – Mancinelli. Restless. Fear in the dark and of some one behind. Melancholy, with suicidal thoughts. Burning pain in brain. Head heavy and drawn backward.

Coppery taste and eructation. Ravenous hunger soon after eating. Very thirsty. Cravings for liquor, salt, sweets etc. Violent pain in liver and spleen. Can pass stool only by leaning very far back. Painful lump sensation on posterior surface of sphincter. Oozing of fetid moisture. Intense itching of anus.

Oppression of breathing. Hoarse while reading. Pain and soreness through chest and mammae. Incessant, dry, night coughing. Asthma. Incipient consumption. Dyspnea; cannot exhale. Cough; better lying on stomach.

Pain in back, with burning heat. Legs heavy, ache, weak, ankles easily turn when walking. Burning of hands feet. Finger-joints enlarged, puffy. Gouty concretions. Heels and balls of feet tender. Soreness of soles.

Wants to be fanned all the time. Chills up and down back; coldness of legs, hands, and forearms. Flashes of heat in face and neck. Night-sweat and hectic fever.

Sambucus Nigra

Acts best as an anti-viral, especially on the respiratory organs. Dry coryza of infants, snuffles, edematous swellings. Profuse sweat. Sees images when shutting eyes. Constant fretfulness. Very easily frightened. Fright followed by suffocative attacks. Turns blue with cough.

Colic, with nausea and flatulence; frequent watery, slimy stools. Chest oppressed with pressure in stomach, and nausea Hoarseness with tenacious mucus in larynx. Paroxysmal, suffocative cough with dyspnea. Spasmodic croup. Dry coryza. Sniffles of infants; nose dry and obstructed. Loose choking cough. Patient awakes suddenly, nearly suffocating, sits up, turns blue. Millar’s asthma. Nipah virus.

Hands turn blue. Edematous swelling in legs, insteps, and feet. Feet icy cold. Debilitating night-sweats.

Nocturnal temperature. Dreads uncovering. Profuse sweat over entire body during waking hours. Dry, deep cough precedes the fever paroxysm.


Slow in answering questions. Memory weakened, and loss of will-power. Weary of life. Mistrustful. Thinks he is losing his reason. Vertigo. Catarrhal headaches; feels heat in head. Stinging, burning, fetid eruptions on scalp. Loss of hair. Exostosis, with feeling of soreness. Scalp tense; oily sweat on head.

Boring pain in right groin. Flatulent distention, with pain. Liver enlarged; sore to touch, indurated. Jaundice. Bile secreted deficiently.

Stool greenish, bloody and slimy, worse at night, with pain and tenesmus. Never-get-done feeling. Discharge accompanied by chilliness, sick stomach, cutting colic, and tenesmus. Whitish-gray stools. Nipah - virus - Causes - symptoms - Diagnosis - Best treatment options - Homeopathic treatment - Dr Qaisar Ahmed - Dixe - cosmetics - Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan

Soreness from fauces to sternum. Cough, with yellow muco-purulent expectoration. Paroxysms of two; worse, night, and from warmth of bed. Catarrh, with chilliness; dread of air. Stitches from lower lobe of right lung to back. Whooping-cough with nosebleed. Nipah viral infection.

Lumbalgia. Bruised pain in small of back, especially when sitting. Tearing pain in coccyx. Weakness of limbs. Bone-pains and in limbs. Patient very sensitive to cold. Oily perspiration. Trembling extremities, especially hands, paralysis agitans. Lacerating pain in joints. Cold, clammy sweat on legs at night. Dropsical swelling of feet and legs. Generally gastric or bilious, with profuse nightly perspiration; debility, slow and lingering. Heat and shuddering alternately. Yellow perspiration. Profuse perspiration without relief. Creeping chilliness, worse in the evening and into night. Alternate flashes of heat in single parts.

 Aconite Nepalis

Great agitation and tossing of the body with anguish, inconsolable irritability, cries, tears, groans, complaints, and reproaches. Sensitive irritability. Fearful anticipations of approaching death; predicts the day he is to die. Sadness. Presentiments, as if in a state of clairvoyance. Nipah viral infection. Anthropophobia and misanthropy; has no affection for anybody. Maliciousness. Great, inconsolable anxiety. Fear of specters. Paroxysms of folly and madness. Unsteadiness of ideas. Delirium with ecstasy. Nipah Virus. Vertigo, particularly on rising from bed, or from seat, on stooping, on moving or shaking the head, and often with a sensation of intoxication or dizziness in the head, loss of consciousness, dimness of the eyes; nausea, and sensation of weakness at the pit of the stomach.

Pain in the head, with inclination to vomit. Inflammation of the brain with nausea and giddiness, aggravated by talking and from motion. Heat and ebullition in the head. Aggravation of the pains in the head by movement, by speaking, by rising from a recumbent position, and by drinking; relief experienced in the open air.

Sensation of numbness in the trachea. Attacks of paralysis in the epiglottis. Croup. Expectoration of thick and whitish matter, or of bloody mucus, or spitting of blood while coughing. Short breathing, chiefly during sleep, and on getting up. Breathing painful, anxious, and attended with groans, rapid and superficial, or full, noisy, and with the mouth open. Constriction and anxious oppression of the chest, with difficulty of breathing. Asthma of Millar. Pleurisy, Nipah virus infection and pneumonia.

Palpitation of the heart, with great anxiety, heat of body, chiefly in the face, and great weariness in the limbs.-Shootings in the region of the heart when moving or going upstairs.-Sensation of compression and blows in the region of the heart.-Inflammation of the heart.-Chronic diseases of the heart, with continuous pressure in the l. side of the chest, oppressed breathing when moving fast and ascending steps, stitches in the region of the heart, congestions to the head; attacks of fainting and tingling in the fingers.-Fainting with tingling.-Pulse full, strong, hard; slow, feeble; threadlike with anxiety; quick, hard, small.

Mouth tastes bitter; or putrid. Burning and unquenchable thirst. Excessive hunger and thirst, but eats slowly. Hiccough. Eructation and abortive risings in the throat. Water-brash with nausea. Inclination to vomit, bilious vomiting, greenish, or mucous and bloody, sometimes vomiting of pure blood. Vomiting of lumbricals. Vomiting, with nausea and thirst, heat, profuse perspiration and increased micturition.

Burning pain sometimes along with shootings, stinging and pressure in the hepatic region, with difficult respiration. Liver inflamed. Jaundice. Constriction, pinching and burning in the umbilical region, sometimes with retraction of the navel. Ascites. Flatulent colic, chiefly at night, and pressure, tension, and borborygmus, with rumbling in the abdomen.

Suppression of stools. Frequent, soft, watery, like chopped spinach, white, small stools with dark red urine. Choleraic discharges with collapse, deathly anxiety, and restlessness in viral infection. Nipah virus infection. Sensation as of a warm fluid escaping from anus.

Weakness and pain, as from a bruise in the nape of the neck, the loins, and the hip joints, tingling, and of pricking in the back. Pain in the arms in the shoulders, with swelling. Heaviness in the arms, with numbness in the fingers. Swelling of the hands. Heat in the hands with cold in the feet. Cool sweat on the palms.

Lower Limbs pain, sensation of drawing with paralytic weakness in the legs, want of strength and of stability in the joints of the hip and of the knee. Pain in the insteps, with despair and fear of death. Failure of strength and stability, pains and cracking in the joints, principally of the legs. Rapid and general decay of strength. Cataleptic attack, with cries, grinding of the teeth, and hiccough; rigor of the body and loud lamentations. Tetanus. Swelling of the whole body, which assumes a blackish color. Nipah - virus - Causes - symptoms - Diagnosis - Best treatment options - Homeopathic treatment - Dr Qaisar Ahmed - Dixe - cosmetics - Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan

Drowsiness, with anxious thoughts and rapid respiration. Anxious dreams, nightmare. Severe fever. Dry, burning heat, with extreme thirst, sometimes especially at the beginning of the Nipah viral infection. Cold over the whole body with internal heat, forehead cold, and tips of the ears hot; or with redness of cheeks and pains in the limbs; or with stiffness of the whole body, heat and redness of one cheek, and coldness and paleness of the other; eyes open and fixed, pupils contracted, and dilating with difficulty. Continual sour sweat. Pulse hard, frequent, and accelerated; full, sometimes intermitting; when slow, almost imperceptible (threadlike).


Desire to be quiet, to be left alone. Dullness, languor, listless. Absolute lack of fear. Delirious on falling to sleep. Emotional excitement, fear. Vertigo, spreading from occiput. Heaviness of head; band-feeling around and occipital headache. Dull, heavy ache, with heaviness of eyelids; bruised sensation; better, compression and lying with head high. Headache, with muscular soreness of neck and shoulders. Headache preceded by blindness; better, profuse urination.

Viral infections. Nipah viral infection. Hiccough; worse in the evening. Sensation of emptiness and weakness at the pit of the stomach, or of an oppression. Stool painless or involuntary, cream-colored, tea-green. Partial paralysis of rectum and sphincter.

Slowness of breathing, with severe prostration. Oppression about chest. Dry cough, with sore chest and fluent coryza. Spasm of the glottis. Aphonia; acute bronchitis, respiration quickened, spasmodic affections of lungs and diaphragm. Slow pulse. Pulse soft, weak, full and flowing. Pulse slow when quiet, but greatly accelerated on motion. Weak, slow pulse of old age.

Dull, heavy back pain. Complete relaxation of the whole muscular system. Languor; muscles feel bruised. Pain in neck, especially upper sterno-cleido muscles. Dull aching in lumbar and sacral region, passing upward. Pain in muscles of back, hips, and lower extremities are mostly deep-seated. Loss of power of muscular control. Cramp in muscles of forearm. Professional neuroses. Excessive trembling and weakness of all limbs. Hysteric convulsions. Fatigue after slight exercise. Dumb-ague, with much muscular soreness, great prostration, and violent headache. Nervous chills. Bilious remittent fever, with stupor, dizziness, faintness; thirstless, prostrated. Chill, without thirst, along spine; wave-like, extending upward from sacrum to occiput.


Sad, hopeless. Intensely sympathetic. Ailments from long-lasting grief, sudden emotions. Thinking of complaints, aggravates, especially hemorrhoids. Sensation of empty space between forehead and brain. Pain in right frontal eminence.

Greasy taste. Acidic dyspepsia. Stool soft and small; or hard, tough, covered with mucus; shines like grease; small-shaped; expelled with much straining, or only on standing up. Pruritus. Partial paralysis of rectum. Rectum sore and burns. Fistula and large piles.

Cough, with raw soreness of chest. Expectoration scanty; must be swallowed. Cough with pain in hip. Sore streak down trachea. Mucus under sternum, which he cannot quite reach. Pain in chest, with palpitation. Cannot lie down at night. Voice re-echoes. Own voice roars in ears and distresses. Pneumonia. Pneumothorax. Viral infections. Nipah virus infection.

Stiffness between shoulders. Dull pain in nape of neck. Paralysis of single parts. Dull, tearing pain in hands and arms. Heaviness and weakness. Tearing joints. Unsteadiness of muscles of forearm and hand. Numbness; loss of sensation in hands. Contracted tendons. Weak ankles. Cannot walk without suffering. Rheumatic tearing in limbs. Burning in joints. Slow in learning to walk. Unsteady walking and easily falling. Restless legs at night. Cracking and tension in knees; stiffness in hollow of knee. Itching on dorsum of feet.

Arsenicum Album

Ars and Bell are the most important medicines for Nipah virus. Great anguish and restlessness. Changes place continually. Fears, of death, of being left alone. Thinks it useless to take medicine. Nipah - virus - Causes - symptoms - Diagnosis - Best treatment options - Homeopathic treatment - Dr Qaisar Ahmed - Dixe - cosmetics - Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan Suicidal. Hallucinations of smell and sight. General sensibility increased. Sensitive to disorder and confusion. fears suffocation. Air-passages constricted. Asthma worse midnight. Burning in chest. Suffocative catarrh. Disturbed, anxious, restless. Cough worse after midnight; worse lying on back. Expectoration scanty, frothy. Darting pain through upper third of right lung. Wheezing respiration. Viral infections. Nipah virus infection. Hemoptysis with pain between shoulders; burning heat all over. Headaches. Hemicrania, with icy feeling of scalp and great weakness. Delirium tremens; cursing and raving; vicious. Head is in constant motion. Scalp itches intolerably.

Cardiac palpitation, pain, dyspnea, faintness. Must have head raised by pillows. Suffocative fits during sleep. Sleeps with hands over head. Dreams are full of care and fear. Drowsy, sleeping sickness.

High temperature. Septic fevers. Intermittent. Paroxysms incomplete, with marked exhaustion. Hay-fever. Cold sweats. Infections. Nipah viral infection.

Nausea, retching, vomiting, after eating or drinking. Burning abdominal pain. Heartburn. Long-lasting eructation. Vomiting of blood, bile, green mucus, or brown-black mixed with blood. Stomach extremely irritable; seems raw, as if torn. Gastralgia from slightest food or drink. Terrible fear and dyspnea, with gastralgia. Liver and spleen enlarged and painful. Ascites and anasarca.

Weakness in small of back. Drawing in of shoulders. Pain and burning in back. Extremities trembling, twitching, spasms, weakness, heaviness, uneasiness. Cramps in calves. Swelling of feet. Sciatica. Burning pains. Peripheral neuritis.

Apis Melifica

Apathy, indifference, and unconsciousness. Awkward; drops things readily. Stupor, with sudden sharp cries and starting. Stupor alternating with erotic mania. Sensation of dying. Listless; cannot think clearly. Jealous, fidgety, hard to please. Sudden shrill, piercing screams. Whining. Tearfulness. Jealously, fright, rage, vexation, grief. Cannot concentrate mind when attempting to read or study.

Whole brain feels very tired. Vertigo with sneezing, worse on lying or closing eyes. Heat, throbbing, distensile pains. Sudden stabbing pains. Dull, heavy sensation in occiput, as from a blow, extending to neck, accompanied with sexual excitement. Bores head into pillow and screams out. Lids swollen, red, edematous, everted, inflamed; burn and sting. Screams and sudden starting during sleep. Viral infection. Nipah virus infection. Dengue fever. Yellow fever. Hoarseness; dyspnea, breathing hurried and difficult. Edema of larynx. Feels as if he could not draw another breath. Suffocation; short, dry cough, suprasternal. Hydrothorax.

Thirstless. Vomiting of food. Dropsy of abdomen. Peritonitis. Stool involuntary on every motion. Bloody, painless stools. Anus feels raw. Hemorrhoids, with stinging pain, after confinement. Diarrhea watery, yellow; cholera infantum type. Cannot urinate without a stool. Dark, fetid, worse after eating. Constipation; feels as if something would break on straining.


Ars and Bell are the most important medicines for Nipah virus. Viral encephalitis. Nausea and vomiting. Great thirst for cold water. Spasms of stomach. Empty retching. Abhorrence of liquids. Spasmodic hiccough. Dread of drinking. Uncontrollable vomiting. Stools thin, green, dysenteric; in lumps like chalk. Shuddering during stool. Stinging pain in rectum; spasmodic stricture. Respiration oppressed, quick, unequal. Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Violent Taci cardia, reverberating in head, with labored breathing.

Shooting pains along limbs. Joints swollen, red, shining, with red streaks radiating. Tottering gait. Shifting rheumatic pains. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Jerking limbs. Spasms. Involuntary limping. Cold extremities.

Stiff neck. Swelling of glands of neck. Pain in nape, as if it would break. Pressure on dorsal region most painful. Lumbago, with pain in hips and thighs. Nipah Virus infection.

A high feverish state with comparative absence of toxemia. Burning, pungent, steaming, heat. Feet icy cold. Superficial blood-vessels, distended. Perspiration dries only on head. No thirst with fever. Vertigo. severe temperature. Restless, crying out, gritting of teeth. Sleeplessness, with drowsiness.

Lycopodium Clavatum

Melancholy; afraid to be alone. Little things annoy, extremely sensitive. Shakes head without Nipah - virus - Causes - symptoms - Diagnosis - Best treatment options - Homeopathic treatment - Dr Qaisar Ahmed - Dixe - cosmetics - Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan apparent cause. Pressing headache on vertex. Throbbing headache after every paroxysm of coughing. Vertigo in morning on rising. Pain in temples in occiput; better, fresh air.

Severe weakness of digestion. Bulimia, with much bloating. After eating, pressure in stomach, with bitter taste in mouth. Gastritis. Immediately after a light meal, abdomen is bloated. Hernia. Liver sensitive. Brown spots on abdomen. Dropsy, due to hepatic disease. Hepatitis, atrophic from of nutmeg liver. Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left. Diarrhea. Inactive intestinal canal. Ineffectual urging. Stool hard, difficult, small, incomplete. Hemorrhoids; very painful to touch, aching.

Tickling cough. Dyspnea. Tensive, constrictive, burning pain in chest. Cough deep, hollow. Expectorations gray, thick, bloody, purulent, salty. Night cough, tickling as from Sulphur fumes. Respiratory tract infections. Nipah virus infection. Neglected pneumonia, with great dyspnea, flaying of alae nasal and presence of mucous rales. Aneurism. Aortic disease. Palpitation at night. Cannot lie on left side.

Burning between scapulae as of hot coals. Lower back pain. Numbness, also drawing and tearing in limbs, especially while at rest. Heaviness of arms. Tearing in shoulder and elbow joints. One foot hot, the other cold. Chronic gout, with chalky deposits in joints. Profuse sweat of the feet. Pain in heel on treading as from a pebble. Painful callosities on soles; toes and fingers contracted. Sciatica, worse right side. Sever temperature. Icy coldness.

Rhus Toxicodendron

Listless, sad. Thoughts of suicide. Extreme restlessness, with continued change of position. Delirium.  Headache in occiput. Nausea, vertigo, and bloated abdomen after eating. Swelling of inguinal glands. Pain in region of ascending colon. Colic, compelling to walk bent. Excessive distention after eating. Rumbling of flatus. Diarrhea of blood, slime, and reddish mucus. Dysentery, with tearing pains down thighs. Stools of cadaverous odor. Frothy, painless stools. Will often abort a beginning suppurative process near the rectum. Dysentery.

Tickling behind upper sternum. Dry, teasing cough. Hemoptysis from overexertion; blood bright red. Influenza, with aching in all bones. Hoarseness from overtraining voice. Viral infections. Nipah virus infection. Oppression of the chest, cannot get breath with sticking pains. Bronchial coughs in old people, worse on awaking and with expectoration of small plugs of mucus.

Cardie hypertrophy from overexertion. Pulse quick, weak, irregular, intermittent, with numbness of left arm. Trembling and palpitation when sitting still.

Pain between shoulders on swallowing. Pain and stiffness in small of back; better, motion, or lying on something hard; worse, while sitting. Stiffness of the nape of the neck.

Fever adynamic; restless, trembling. Nipah Virus. Typhoid; tongue dry and brown; sordes; bowels loose; great restlessness. Intermittent; chill, with dry cough and restlessness. During heat, urticaria. Hydria. Chilly, followed by heat and inclination to stretch the limbs.

Hyoscyamus Niger

Very suspicious. Delirium, with attempt to run away. Low, muttering speech; constant carphologia, deep stupor. Nipah Virus. Head feels light and confused. Vertigo as if intoxicated. Brain feels loose, fluctuating. Inflammation of brain, with unconsciousness; head is shaken to and fro. Hiccough, eructation empty, bitter. Nausea, with vertigo. Vomiting, with convulsions; hematemesis; violent cramps, relieved by vomiting; burning in stomach; epigastrium tender. After irritating food. Colic, with vomiting, belching, hiccough screaming. Tympanites. Red spots on abdomen. Diarrhea, pains; stool involuntary. Nipah - virus - Causes - symptoms - Diagnosis - Best treatment options - Homeopathic treatment - Dr Qaisar Ahmed - Dixe - cosmetics - Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan

Suffocating fits. Spasm, forcing bending forward. Dry, spasmodic cough at night (worse lying down; better sitting up), from itching in the throat, as if uvula were too long. Hemoptysis.

Epileptic attacks ending in deep sleep. Spasms and convulsions. Cramps in calves and toes. Intense sleeplessness. Sopor, with convulsions. Starts up frightened. Coma vigil. Great restlessness; every muscle twitches.

Baptisia Tintora

Inability to think. Confusion. Illusion of divided personality. Thinks he is broken or double. Delirium, wandering, muttering. Perfect indifference. Falls asleep while being spoken to. Nipah Virus. Melancholia, with stupor. Vertigo. Brain feels sore. Stupor. Early deafness in typhoid conditions.

Can swallow only liquids, vomiting due to spasm of esophagus. Gastric fever. No appetite. Constant desire for water. Sinking feeling at stomach. Pain in epigastric region.

Cardiac orifice contracted convulsively and ulcerative inflammation of stomach and bowels. Lungs feel compressed, breathing difficult; seeks open window. Fears going to sleep on account of nightmare and sense of suffocation. Constriction of chest.

Neck tired. Stiffness and pain, aching and drawing in arms and legs. Pain in sacrum, around hips and legs. Sore and bruised. Decubitus.

Abdomen distended and rumbling. Soreness over region of gall-bladder, with diarrhea. Stools very offensive, thin, dark, bloody. Soreness of abdomen, in region of liver. Dysentery of old people.

Bryonia Alba

Exceedingly irritable. Delirium; wants to go home; talks of business. Vertigo, nausea, faintness on rising, confusion. Bursting, splitting headache; worse from motion, stooping, opening eyes. Loss of taste. Thirst for large draughts. Vomiting of bile and water immediately after eating. Worse, warm drinks, which are vomited. Stomach sensitive to touch. Pressure in stomach after eating, as of a stone. Soreness in stomach when coughing. Dyspeptic ailments during summer heat. Sensitiveness of epigastrium to touch. Liver region swollen, sore, tensive. Burning pain, stitches; worse, pressure, coughing, breathing. Tenderness of abdominal walls.

Constipation; stools hard, dry, brown, thick, bloody. Soreness in larynx and trachea. Hoarseness. Dry, hacking cough from irritation in upper trachea. Cough, dry, at night. Difficult, quick respiration; worse every movement; caused by stitches in chest. Pneumonia. Severe bronchitis. Viral infections like Nipah virus etc. Cough, with feeling as if chest would fly to pieces; presses his head on sternum; must support chest. Croupous and pleuro-pneumonia. Expectoration brown, tough like lumps of jelly. Tough mucus in trachea. Cough worse in warm room. Stitches in cardiac region. Angina pectoris.

Painful stiffness in nape of neck. Stitches and stiffness in small of back. Knees stiff and painful. Hot swelling of feet. Joints red, swollen, hot, with stitches and tearing; worse on least movement. Every spot is painful on pressure. Constant motion of left arm and leg.

Nat Muriaticum

Psychic causes of disease; ill effects of grief, fright, anger, etc. Depressed, particularly in chronic diseases. Consolation aggravates. Irritable; gets into a passion about trifles. Awkward, hasty. Wants to be alone to cry. Tears with laughter.

Head throbs. Blinding headache, from sunrise to sunset. Anemic headache with nausea, vomiting; periodical; from eyestrain; menstrual. Before attack, numbness and tingling in lips, tongue and nose, relieved by sleep. Frontal sinus inflammation.

Hungry, yet loose flesh. Heartburn, with palpitation. Unquenchable thirst. Sweats while eating. Craving for salt. Sticking sensation in cardiac orifice. Burning pains and stitching after stool. Anus contracted, torn, bleeding. Constipation; stool dry, crumbling. Painless and copious diarrhea, preceded by pinching pain in abdomen.

Cough from a tickling in the pit of stomach, accompanied by stitches in liver and spurting of urine. Stitches all over chest. Cough, with bursting pain in head. Shortness of breath. Whooping-cough with flow of tears with cough.

Tachycardia. Sensation of coldness of heart. Heart and chest feel constricted. Fluttering, palpitating; intermittent pulse. Heart’s pulsations shake body. Intermits on lying down.

Pain in back, with desire for some firm support. Every movement accelerates the circulation. Palms hot and perspiring. Arms and legs, but especially knees, feel weak. Hangnails. Dryness and cracking about finger-nails. Numbness and tingling in fingers and lower extremities. Ankles weak and turn easily. Painful contraction of hamstrings. Cracking in joints on motion. Coldness of legs with congestion to head, chest, and stomach.

Sleepy in forenoon. Nervous jerking during sleep. Dreams of robbers. Sleepless from grief. Severe temperature; violent thirst, increases with fever. Fever-blisters. Coldness of the body, and continued chilliness very marked. Hydremic in chronic malarial states with weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, etc. Sweats on every exertion.

Pulsatilla Pratensis

Wandering stitches about head; pains extend to face and teeth; vertigo; better in open air. Frontal Nipah - virus - Causes - symptoms - Diagnosis - Best treatment options - Homeopathic treatment - Dr Qaisar Ahmed - Dixe - cosmetics - Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan and supra-orbital pains. Neuralgic pains, commencing in right temporal region, with scalding lachrymation of affected side. Headache from overwork. Pressure on vertex.

Averse to fat food, warm food, and drink. Eructation; taste of food remains a long time. Bitter taste, diminished taste of all food. Heartburn. Dyspepsia. Vomiting of food eaten long before. Pain in stomach an hour after eating. Duodenal ulcer. Gnawing, hungry feeling.

Rumbling watery stools; worse, night, no two stools alike. Blind hemorrhoids, with itching and sticking pains. Dysentery; mucus and blood, with chilliness. Two or three normal stools daily.

Dry cough in evening and at night, with copious mucous expectoration. Pressure upon the chest and soreness. Great soreness of epigastrium. Urine emitted with cough. Pain as from ulcer in middle of chest. Expectoration bland, thick, bitter, greenish. Short breath, anxiety, and palpitation when lying on left side. Smothering sensation on lying down. Wakes languid, unrefreshed. Irresistible sleepiness in afternoon. Sleeps with hands over head.

Shooting pain in the nape and back, between shoulders; in sacrum after sitting. Drawing, tensive pain in thighs and legs, with restlessness, sleeplessness and chilliness. Pain in limbs, shifting rapidly; tensive pain, letting up with a snap. Numbness around elbow. Hip-joint painful. Knees swollen, with tearing, drawing pains. Boring pain in heels toward evening; suffering worse from letting the affected limb hang down. Veins in forearms and hands swollen. Feet red, inflamed, swollen. Legs feel heavy and weary.

Chilliness, even in warm room, with pains, in spots. Intolerable burning heat at night, with distended veins; heat in parts of body, coldness in other. One-sided sweat; pains during sweat. External heat is intolerable, veins are distended. During apyrexia, headache, diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea.

Nux Vomica

Very irritable: sensitive to all impressions. Ugly, malicious. Cannot bear noises, odors, light, etc. Headache in occiput or over eyes, with vertigo; brain feels turning in a circle. Over sensitiveness. Vertigo, with momentary loss of consciousness. Intoxicated feeling; worse, morning, mental exertion, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, open air. Pressing pain on vertex. Vertigo in morning and after dinner. Frontal headache, with desire to press the head against something. Congestive headache, associated with hemorrhoids.

Sour mouth taste, and nausea in the morning and after eating. Flatulence and pyrosis. Sour, bitter eructation. Nausea and vomiting, with much retching. Wants to vomit, but cannot. Flatulent distension, with spasmodic colic. Colic from uncovering. Liver engorged, with stitches and soreness. Strangulated hernia. Forcing in lower abdomen towards genitals. Umbilical hernia of infants.

Constipation, with frequent ineffectual urging, incomplete and unsatisfactory; feeling as if part remained un expelled. Constriction of rectum. Irregular, peristaltic action; hence frequent ineffectual desire, or passing but small quantities at each attempt. Itching, blind hemorrhoids, with ineffectual urging to stool; very painful; after allopathic drugs. Diarrhea, with jaundice.

Asthma. Oppressed breathing. Tight, dry hacking cough; at times with bloody expectoration. Cough brings on bursting headache and bruised pain in epigastric region.

Backache in lumbar region. Burning in spine. Cervical-brachial neuralgia; worse, touch. Bruised pain below scapulae. Sitting is painful. Arms and hands go to sleep. Paresis of arms, with shocks. Legs numb; feel paralyzed; cramps in calves and soles. Drags his feet when walking. Sensation of sudden loss of power of arms and legs.

Drowsy after meals, and in early evening. Dreams full of bustle and hurry. Better after a short sleep, unless aroused. Cold stage predominates. Paroxysms anticipate in morning. Excessive rigor, with blueness of finger-nails. Aching in limbs and back, and gastric symptoms. Chilly; must be covered in every stage of fever. Perspiration sour; only one side of body. Chilliness on being uncovered. Dry heat of the body.

Arnica Montana

Unconscious; when spoken to answers correctly, but relapses. Indifference; inability to perform continuous active work; morose, delirious. Nervous; cannot bear pain; whole body oversensitive. Says there is nothing the matter with him. Wants to be let alone. Agoraphobia. Confused; sensitiveness of brain, with sharp, pinching pains. Scalp feels contracted. Cold spot-on forehead. Chronic vertigo; objects whirl about especially when walking.

Vomiting of blood. Pain in stomach during eating. Repletion with loathing. Oppressive gases pass upward and downward. Stitches under false ribs. Distended; offensive flatus. Sharp thrusts through abdomen. Straining of tenesmus in diarrhea. Offensive, brown, bloody, putrid, involuntary. Diarrhea of consumption. Dysenteric stools with muscular pains.

Coughing depending on cardiac lesion, paroxysmal, at night, during sleep, worse exercise. Acute Nipah - virus - Causes - symptoms - Diagnosis - Best treatment options - Homeopathic treatment - Dr Qaisar Ahmed - Dixe - cosmetics - Best Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan tonsillitis, swelling of soft palate and uvula. Pneumonia; approaching paralysis. Nipah virus infection. Cough produced by weeping and lamenting. Dry, from tickling low down in trachea. Bloody expectoration. Dyspnea with hemoptysis. All bones and cartilages of chest painful. Violent spasmodic cough, with facial herpes. Whooping cough, with pain in chest/ribs. Pleurodynia.

Angina pectoris. Pulse feeble and irregular. Cardiac dropsy with distressing dyspnea. Extremities distended, feel bruised and sore. Fatty heart and hypertrophy.

Gout. Soreness after overexertion. Everything on which he lies seems too hard. Deathly coldness of forearm. Sever pain in pelvic region. Rheumatism begins low down and works up.

Sleepless and restless when over tired. Comatose drowsiness; awakens with hot head; dreams of death, mutilated bodies, anxious and terrible. Horrors in the night. Involuntary stools during sleep.

Febrile symptoms closely related to typhoid. Shivering over whole body. Heat and redness of head, with coolness of rest of body. Internal heat; feet and hands cold. Nightly sour sweats.


Great lowness of spirits. Over-sensitive to external impressions. Loss of memory. Paralysis of the insane. Ecstasy. Dread of death when alone. Brain feels tired. Insanity, with an exaggerated idea of one’s own importance. Excitable, produces heat all over. Restless, fidgety. Hypo-sensitive, indifferent. Vertigo of the aged, after rising. Heat comes from spine. Neuralgia; parts must be kept warm. Burning pains. Chronic congestion of head. Brain-fag, with coldness of occiput. Vertigo, with faintness. Belching large quantities of wind, after eating. Throws up ingesta. Vomiting; water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach. Post-operative vomiting. Cardiac opening seems contracted, too narrow; the food scarcely swallowed, comes up again. Pain in stomach. Region of stomach painful to touch, or on walking. Inflammation of stomach, with burning extending to throat and bowels.

Sharp cutting abdominal pains. Liver congested. Acute hepatitis. Fatty degeneration. Jaundice. Pancreatic disease. Large, yellow spots on abdomen.

Stool very fetid stools and flatus. Difficult to expel. Green mucus with grains like sago. Involuntary; seems as if anus remained open. Bleeding from rectum, during stool. White, hard stools. Bleeding hemorrhoids.

Clergyman’s sore throat. Aphonia. Cough from tickling in throat. Sweetish taste while coughing. Hard, dry, tight, racking cough. Congestion of lungs. Burning pains, heat and oppression of chest. Tightness across chest. Sharp stitches in chest; respiration quickened, oppressed. Heat in chest. Pneumonia. Nipah virus infection. Whole body trembles, with cough. Sputa rusty, blood-colored, or purulent. Tuberculosis.

Violent palpitation with anxiety. Pulse rapid, small, and soft. Heart dilated, especially right. Feeling of warmth in heart.

Burning in back; pain as if broken. Heat between the shoulder-blades. Weak spine. Ascending sensory and motor paralysis from ends of fingers and toes. Stitches in elbow and shoulder joints. Burning of feet. Weakness and trembling, from every exertion. Can scarcely hold anything with hands. Tibia inflamed and becomes necrosed. Arms and hands become numb. Post-diphtheritic paralysis, with formication of hands and feet. Joints suddenly give way.

Great drowsiness, especially after meals. Coma vigil. Insomnia in old people. Vivid dreams of fire; of hemorrhage. Lascivious dreams. Goes to sleep late and awakens weak. Short naps and frequent wakings.

Chilly every evening. Cold knees at night. Adynamic with lack of thirst, but unnatural hunger. Hectic, with small, quick pulse; viscid night-sweats. Stupid delirium. Profuse perspiration.

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Prognosis for Nipah virus infection

  • The prognosis of Nipah virus infections is poor with allopathic treatment but very good with Homeopathic medication.
  • Witha allopathic treatment, the fatality rate is estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) to range from 40%-75%, depending upon the local capabilities for surveillance and clinical management (supportive care); while with Homeopathic treatment the fatality rate is less than 6% throughout the world and without any complications like encephalitis etc.
  • Allopathic survivors may have residual neurological problems such as seizures and/or personality changes; Homeopathic treated patients’ scientists didn’t find any neurological and/or behavior changes till date.

For consultation; Feel free to WhatsApp us or visit our clinic.

P. S: This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy, for learning purpose(s).

For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.

Location, address and contact numbers are given below.

None of above-mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.

To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588

Nipah - virus - Causes - symptoms - Diagnosis - Best treatment options - Homeopathic treatment - Dr Qaisar Ahmed - Dixe - cosmetics - Best Homeopathic doctor in PakistanDr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.

  Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.

Location:  Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.

Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at: Qaisar Ahmed

By Dr. Qaisar Ahmed. MD, DHMS.

Brief Profile Dr Qaisar Ahmed is a distinguished Physician & Chief Consultant at Al-Haytham Clinic, Risalpur. He is highly knowledgeable, experienced and capable professional who regularly contributes to various publications and runs a widely read specialized blog on health issues. Dr Qaisar Ahmed is one of the most sought after speakers at conferences and seminars on health and well being. Dr Qaisar Ahmed has a strong academic and professional background. Studied Masters in Medicines and surgery, Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Senior research officer in Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine; DHMS in Sarhad Medical college, Nowshera and is a registered Homeopathic practitioner (No. 164093) from The National Council of Homeopathy, Islamabad; Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharyat Law) from Allama Iqbal University, Islamabad. At the Dnipropetrovsk state medical Academy, Ukraine, Dr Qaisar Ahmed also attended many international seminars and workshops in the UK, Europe, Russia and UAE. Dr Qaisar Ahmed widely traveled the world and during his visits to Norway, Sweden and France, he learnt from acclaimed homeopathic practitioners and writers. At his registered establishment with the K.P.K Healthcare Commission Dr Qaisar Ahmed treats his patients as per international standards of homeopathy. He takes all kinds of chronic cases, though his main areas of focus include Cardiac diseases, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Asthma and other respiratory diseases, allergies and infection, Renal/urinary tract stones and diseases, Gastroenterology especially Gallbladder stones, haemorrhoids, Gastric ulcers, Crohn's disease, Eye diseases, Eyesight and cataracts, Sciatica, Rheumatoid and osteoArthritis, Gout, Varicose, Paralysis, Skin diseases and Unwanted facial Hairs, male/Female infertility, PCOS and menstrual diseases, Thyroid diseases. He runs a state of the art online homeopathy course “HOMEOPATHY for HOME”. This is an orientation course for the Homeopathy Medical System, meant for new homeopathic practitioners, basic learners, patients, allopathic doctors, nurses, alternative medicine practitioners, and students aspiring for a career in homeopathy. Dr Qaisar Ahmed belongs to the progeny of a noble Sayad (generation of Hazrat Mulk Shah Sahib - Sargodha who is the real son of Hazrat Hassan R.A) family of Risalpur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. His father Dr Inzar Gull is a distinguished Homeopathic doctor with deep insight into religion, pedagogy, oratory, faith healing and traditional medicines. Dr Qaisar Ahmed's inspiration for learning religion, its laws came from his father. He happily lives with his two wives and three children in Risalpur at Inzar Gull street, House# one. Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder. K.P.K, Pakistan. Contacts: 0923631023, 03119884588, 03059820900. Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at : Qaisar Ahmed