Silica – Silicon dioxide
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Hahnemann introduced it into medicine, and it was his method of attenuating insoluble substances that enabled him to discover its powers. Silica forms one of the most important remedies of the Chronic Diseases and Chronic infections.
SYMPTOMS for SILICA or Silicon Dioxide
1. Mind -Despondency, melancholy, and disposition to weep, Nostalgia.-Anxiety and agitation; yielding, anxious mood.-Taciturnity; concentration in self – Inquietude and ill-humor on the least provocation, arising from excessive nervous debility.
Scruples of conscience (about trifles). Restless and fidgety; great liability to be frightened, esp. by least noise.
Discouragement, Moroseness, ill-humor, and despair, with intense weariness of life. Wishes to drown herself. Disposition to fly into a rage, obstinacy, and great irritability. The child becomes obstinate and headstrong; cries when kindly spoken to. Excitement with easy orgasm of blood. Repugnance to labor. Apathy and indifference.
Weakness of memory. Incapacity for reflection. Great distraction. Tendency to misapply words in speaking. Fixed ideas; the patient thinks only of pins, fears them, searches for them, and counts them carefully.
2. Head.-Cloudiness. The head is fatigued by intellectual labor (reading, writing, or reflecting). Difficulty in holding head up, Dizziness, especially in the evening, as from intoxication.
Vertigo of different kinds, especially in the morning, and principally on lifting up the eyes, or when riding in a carriage, and also when stooping, or after moral emotions.
Vertigo, with nausea and retching, or proceeding from the back to the nape and head. Vertigo when closing eyes; from lying on left side.
Vertigo causes fall backwards.
Pain from the nape into vertex, sometimes hindering sleep, at night. Headache when overheated. Headache, with shivering, lassitude, and necessity to lie down. Headache every morning, with ill-humor and heaviness in all the limbs, sometimes in morning. Drawings in the head, which seem to pass out at the forehead.-Tearing pains in the head, often semi lateral, with shootings which seem to pass out through the eyes, and into the bones of the face and the teeth, or which manifest themselves every morning, with heat in the head, principally in the forehead (and great restlessness).
Lancinations (stitches) in head, especially in temples (principally in the r. from within to without. Painful shocks in head.-Movements and whirling in head, as if everything in it were alive.-Shaking and vibration in brain at every step (roaring and shattering sensation when stepping hard or knocking foot against anything).-The headaches are < principally by intellectual labor, talking, stooping, noise, jarring, light, and cold air, and are > in warm room; from wrapping head up warmly; from binding head tightly.-After the pains in the head, clouded sight.-Painful sensitiveness of exterior of head to least touch.-Profuse perspiration on head in evening, on going to sleep (this looks like Calc. carb , but in Sil. the perspiration extends lower down on the neck, and is apt to have an offensive smell).
Burning in head with pulsation and perspiration of head; < at night, from mental exertion and talking; > wrapping the head up warm. Burning and itching, mostly on back part of head; < from scratching, which causes burning and soreness; < when undressing in evening and on getting warm in bed. Tearing pain in scalp < at night and from pressure. Profuse, sour-smelling perspiration on head only (in evening), with great sensitiveness of scalp, with pale face and emaciation. Tendency to take cold in head, which cannot possibly be uncovered. Tuberous elevations on scalp. Eruption on back part of head and behind ears dry, offensive-smelling, scabby, burning itching; when scratching it, burning feeling, more sore, and discharging pus. Itching pustules and bulbous swellings on hairy scalp and on neck; very sensitive to pressure, touch, and when lying on it; > when wrapping it up warm. Sensitiveness of scalp to pressure (of hat) and to contact; < in evening and when lying on painful side; burning after scratching. Open fontanelles; head too large and rest of body emaciated, with pale wax-color of face; hot, swollen abdomen and fetid stools. Violent itching in scalp. Moist scald-head, which itches. Falling off of the hair.
3. Pain in eyes in morning, as if arising from the great dryness, or from the presence of sand. Pressure and smarting in eyes and lids. Tearing shooting pains in eyes on pressing them together. Shootings, which seem to pass out through eyes. Itching, smarting, and burning in the eyes. Redness of eyes, with smarting pain in canthus. Inflammation of eyes. Affections appearing in angles of eyes, in region of tear-ducts. Swelling of lacrimal gland. Lachrymal fistula. Lachrymation, esp. in open air. Agglutination of lids, at night. Fungus haematodes and ulcers in cornea. Cornea thick, rough, warty, as if it were a mass of hypertrophied tissue, scaled off leaving cornea clear. Specks and scars in cornea. Weakness; heat; quivering of eyes. Spasmodic closing of lid. Presbyopia. The letters appear confused, when reading. Objects seem to be pale, when reading. Confused sight, as if directed through a greyish veil. Blackness before eyes after headache. Momentary attacks of sudden blindness. Cloudiness of crystalline lens. Cloudiness of the sight, as from amaurosis. Sparks, and black spots before sight. Photophobia, and dazzling in broad daylight. Encysted tumours of lids go away after Sil. 200 (Bradshaw).
4. Otalgia, with drawing pain. Boring and throbbing in the ears. Shootings in the ears, from within outwards. Itching in ears (esp. when swallowing). Inflammation and running from edges of ears. Scabs behind ears. Swelling of exterior of ear, with discharge (of pus) from the ear, accompanied by a sort of whistling. Copious accumulation of moist (very thin) cerumen. Otorrhea with great sensitivity to cold air. Excessive sensitivity to noise. Obstruction of ears, which sometimes disappears on blowing the nose, or else with a loud report. Hardness of hearing, sometimes without noise in ears, or else exclusively for human voice. Hardness of hearing, < when the moon is at the full. Paralyzed auditory nerves. Tinkling, clucking, and noise, like the fluttering of a bird, in ears. Roaring and ringing in ears. Caries of the mastoid process. Swelling and induration of parotids.
5. Nasal bone painful when touched. Soreness as if beaten, in nasal bones. Gnawing pains (and ulcers) in upper part of nose, with heaviness when stooping, and excessive sensibility to contact and pressure. Pulsatile pain, as from ulceration in the nose, and extending into the head. Drawing in root of nose and malar bone. Inflammation in nostrils. Itching in nose. Voluptuous itching about nose, in evening. Itching and redness of nose (at the extremity), which is covered with scabious vesicles. Sore, painful spots below septum of nose, with sticking on touch. Furunculi on nose. Scabs, pimples, and ulcers in nose. Nose inwardly dry, painful, excoriated, covered with crusts. Epistaxis. Insomnia. Frequent, violent, abortive, interrupted sneezing. Too frequent, immoderate, sneezing. Obstinate obstruction of nose, sometimes arising from (hardened) mucus. Troublesome (painful) dryness of nose, sometimes at night. Dry coryza. Continued coryza. Frequent fluent coryza; or which removes an obstinate obstruction of nose. Alternate fluent and dry coryza. Acrid and corrosive mucus in nose.
6. Pale and earthy complexion. White spots on cheeks, from time to time. Red, burning spots on cheeks and nose, especially after a meal. Heat in face. Shootings in bones of face. Itching in whiskers. Furunculus on cheek. Cracks and rhagades in skin of face. Scirrhous induration in face and upper lip. Swelling of lips. Ulceration of commissures of lips. Scabious eruption on lips, with smarting pain. Ulcers on red part of lower lip. Furunculi on chin. Herpes on chin. Cramp in maxillary joint. The articulation of the jaw is spasmodically closed (lockjaw). Nocturnal shootings and drawings in lower jaw. Swelling and caries in bones of lower jaw. Swelling of submaxillary glands, with pain when touched, or also with induration.
7. Toothache from hot food, or introduction of cold air into mouth. Drawing, jerking, and tearing in teeth, and cheeks, < at night, or else only when eating. Toothache at night, commonly lancinating, which disturbs sleep, < by cold or hot things. Toothache, with swelling of bone or periosteum of jaw, and universal heat at night, which hinders sleep. Digging and boring in teeth. Bluntness of teeth. Teeth become loose and feel elongated. Painful inflammation, swelling, excoriation, and easy bleeding of the gums. Gumboils. Gums painfully sensitive on taking cold water into mouth.
8. Dryness of mouth. Fetid breath, especially in morning. Stomach Ache. Mucus constantly in mouth. Sensation, as of a hair on (forepart of) tongue. Excoriation of tongue. One-sided swelling of tongue. Ulcer on border of tongue eating into it and discharging much pus (carcinoma). Ulcer on the palate. Tongue coated with a brownish mucus.
9. Throat. Sore throat, with an accumulation of mucus in throat. Severe tonsillitis (“Sil. 12x trit. is specific.”-Bayes). Pain as from excoriation and pricking as from pins (stitches) in throat, during deglutition (quinsy). Swelling of the uvula. Swelling of the palate. Difficult deglutition, as from paralysis of the gullet. Paralysis of velum palati. Tendency of food to ascend into nasal fossae during deglutition. Food is ejected through nose.
10. Great appetite; desire for beer and warm food; immediately after eating, appetite and thirst returned. Ravenous hunger so that it was difficult to fall asleep. Ravenous hunger before supper, with complete loss of appetite and trembling of all the limbs, followed by chilliness and coldness over whole body, with heat on chest. Ravenous hunger: morning; evening; with collection of water in mouth. Is very hungry; eats as usual, and then complains that everything seems to be up in the throat. Loss of taste. Bitter taste in mouth, also in morning. Taste sour after eating. Sour, putrid taste, or as if blood or mucus were in the mouth. Violent thirst, sometimes with anorexia. Repugnance to all food, especially to cooked and hot things, with desire for cold, raw things only. Aversion to boiled food. Loathing of animal food, which proves indigestible. Aversion of a child to its mother’s milk, with vomiting after sucking. After a meal, strong disposition to sleep, pyrosis, acidity in mouth, sour risings, fullness in stomach or abdomen, or else (often consecutively) aching of stomach, water-brash, vomiting, febrile shivering, congestion in head, heat in cheeks.
11. Stomach. Risings, with taste of food, sometimes after every meal. Sour risings. Warm uprisings from stomach to throat. Pyrosis. Hiccough – before and after eating; sometimes in evening, in bed. Nausea, every morning, with pain in head and eyes, on turning eyes, or else followed by vomiting of bitter water. Continuous nausea and vomiting; < in morning. Constant nausea and vomiting, even at night. Water-brash, sometimes with shuddering. Water tastes bad; vomiting, whenever drink is taken. Vomiting of food, even at night. Pressure in stomach, sometimes after every meal, or on drinking quickly. Painful sensibility of scrobiculus, when it is pressed. Heaviness in stomach. Squeezing in scrobiculus, as by claws, sometimes after a meal. Burning sensation in pit of stomach.
12. Swelling and induration of hepatic region. Inflammation and induration of liver. Pain, as from ulceration, in hepatic region, with throbbing; pains are < by touch, by walking (or when lying on r. side, or when breathing). Shootings in hypochondria. side. Pain in abdomen; colic in children from worms.-Colic, during which hands turn yellow, and the nails blue. Aching (pressing) of abdomen, especially after a meal. Abdomen, hard, tight, hot (also in children) and sometimes painful on being touched. Enlargement of abdomen. Colic, from constipation. Cuttings or pinching in abdomen, with or without diarrhea. Burning sensation in abdomen. The pains in the abdomen are > by application of hot linen. Painful inguinal hernia. Inflammation and swelling of inguinal glands (large as peas, painful to touch). Incarceration of flatus. Gurgling and borborygmi in abdomen. Difficult expulsion of flatus. Very offensive flatulence.
13. Stool and Anus. Constipation, and slow, hard, difficult, knotty fasces (composed of light-colored lumps). Hard fasces, with frequent tenesmus. Constipation where the stool comes down with great difficulty, comes a little way through the anus, and then slips back before it can be voided; obstructed evacuation of bowels; fetid flatus. Even the soft stool is expelled with much difficulty. Stool remains long in rectum. Stool like pus; with maw-worms; with tapeworms. Faeces of consistence of pap, several times a day. Diarrhea (stools horribly offensive) with colic. Reddish fasces, or with sanguineous slime. Frequent discharge of fetid serum, of a corpse-like smell. Cutting and stinging in rectum. Burning or stinging in rectum during stool. Shootings and itching in anus, and in rectum, also during the evacuation. Burning in anus, after a dry, hard stool. Constriction in anus during stool. Constant but ineffectual desire for stool. Painful hemorrhoid – protrude during stool.
14. Urinary Organs. Urinary tenesmus. Continued want to urinate, with scanty emission. Strangury. Frequent (involuntary) emission of urine, also at night (with distress from irritable sphincter). Wetting the bed (at night). Reddish sand, or yellow, gritty sediment in the urine. Stricture of urethra.
15. Male Sexual Organs. Itching, and red spots on glans. Excoriation, itching, and redness of prepuce. Swelling of prepuce, which is covered with itching and moist pimples. Dropsical swelling of scrotum. Perspiration and itching in scrotum. Itching, and moist spots on scrotum. Absence of sexual desire, with weakness in genital functions; or else immoderate excitement of sexual desire, with numerous wanton ideas, and strong and frequent erections. Flow of prostatic fluid during urination; and passing of (hard) stool. After coition, pain in limbs, as from fatigue, or sensation of paralysis on one side of head.
16. Female Sexual Organs. Menses too early and too feeble, or else too profuse. Increased menses, with paroxysms of icy coldness over whole body. Suppression of the menses. Discharge of blood before proper period; menses too late; protracted; blood acrid. Metrorrhagia. Diarrhea, before the menses. During the menses, pains in the abdomen, pale appearance of objects, or burning sensation and excoriation in vulva. Itching in the vulva. Pressing-down feeling in vagina.-Itching, burning, and soreness in pudenda; during menses. Discharge of blood from the uterus, while suckling. Abortion. Leucorrhoea, which flows when urinating, or after the menses. Leucorrhoea, like milk, flowing at intervals, and preceded by griping in umbilical region. Acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea. Inflammation of nipples. Darting burning pain in l. nipple. Sticking pain in breast. Painful stitches behind breast, with chilliness, all night. Suppuration of the Breast – Abscess in breast, also with fistulous ulcers; nipple ulcerates. Indurations in breast. Breast hard, painful, and swollen at nipple, feeling as if “gathering.”
17. Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness, with roughness and excoriation in larynx. Cough, from cold drinks, or from speaking even for a moment. Shaking cough, excited by a suffocating tickling in pit of throat. Cough and sore throat, with expectoration of little granules like shot, which, when broken open, smell offensively (like Phosphor., excepting the latter remedy has a hot feeling in throat). Fatiguing cough, day and night, < by movement, with scanty expectoration of mucus. Nocturnal, suffocating cough. Spasmodic cough. Hollow, spasmodic, suffocative cough from tickling in throat-pit, with expectoration only during day of profuse yellowish-green pus, or of tough, milky, acrid mucus, at times of pale, frothy blood, generally tasting greasy and offensive-smelling. Bruised pain in chest when coughing. Dry cough, with pain in chest, as from excoriation. Cough, with vomiting of mucus. Profuse expectoration of transparent mucus when coughing. Cough with expectoration in the day, without expectoration at night. Expectoration of pus, when coughing. Expectoration of (pale, frothy) blood, with deep, hollow cough. Obstructed respiration, when lying on the back, or else when stooping, running, or coughing. Deep, sighing respiration. Shortness of breath, during light manual labor, or else when walking quickly, sometimes with dyspnea during repose. Panting, respiration, on walking quickly.
18. Chest. Oppression of chest, as from constriction of throat. Aching in chest, sometimes only when coughing or sneezing. Shooting and pricking in chest and side, sometimes across back. Throbbing in sternum. Phthisis – pulmonary (tuberculosis) – pain in chest, when drawing breath, or coughing.
19. Heart and Pulse. Palpitation and throbbing over whole body while sitting. Violent palpitation on every movement. Imperceptible pulse.
20. Purulent ulcer in nape. Stiffness of nape; with headache. Swelling of glands of nape, in the neck, and under the axillae (with suppuration), sometimes with induration. Pimples and furunculi in nape. Suppuration of axillary glands. Caries of clavicle. Stitches between the hips. Coccyx painful, as after a long carriage ride. Stinging in os coccyges on rising; painful to pressure. Scabby elevation on coccyx, above fissure of buttaks. Pain in the loins, whether the parts be touched or not. Spasmodic drawing in loins, which prevents rising up, and forces patient to remain lying down. Inflammatory abscess in lumbar region (on the psoas muscle). Weakness and paralytic stiffness in back, loins, and nape. Tearing and shootings in the back. Shootings in the loins, when seated or lying down. Burning in back when walking in open air and becoming warm.-Aching, shooting, burning, and throbbing in lumbo-sacral region. Swelling and distortion of spine (curvature of the vertebrae). Contusive pain between the shoulder-blades.
21. Drawing, tearing, and shooting in limbs. Nocturnal shooting in all joints. Liability of limbs to become numbed. Pain in limbs, as though they had been broken, and paralytic weakness, esp. in evening.-Cramps in arms and legs. Icy-cold legs and feet. Jerks in limbs. Weakness of joints. Lassitude and trembling in limbs. Soreness and lameness in limbs. Nails dirty yellow, crippled and brittle.-Ulcers about nails.
22. Drawings and tearing in arms, hands and fingers. Heaviness and paralytic weakness of arms, which tremble on least exertion. Numbness of the (fore-) arms when patient is lying upon them or leaning the elbows on a table. Throbbing and jerking of muscles of arm. Restlessness and trembling. Skin cracked, on arms and hands. Furunculi and warts on arms. Paralytic weakness of the forearm; everything is dropped from the hands. Induration of the cellular tissue of the forearm. Nocturnal shootings in wrist, extending to the top of arm. Tearing pain in wrists and ball of hand. Spasmodic pain in the hands and fingers. Numbness of hands at night. Paralytic weakness of hands. Tonic spasm of hand when writing. Cramp-like pain and lameness of hand after slight exertion. Profuse sweat of the hands. Ganglion on back of hand. Ulcer on back of hand. Tingling in fingers. Burning sensation in ends of fingers. Pain in joints of fingers, when pressed. Weakness, rigidity, and want of flexibility in fingers. Contraction of flexor tendons; very painful when moving fingers. Ganglion. Gnawing, purulent vesicles, with burning in fingers. Tearing, drawing, sticking pain and numbness in fingers, as if suppurating, or as if a panaritium would form. Numb feeling of a finger, as though it were enlarged and the bone swollen. Pain as from a splinter in flexor surface of one finger. Panaritium, cries and insupportable pains day and night. Fingernails rough and yellow. Nails dirty grey as if decayed; powder when cut and split into layers. White spots on nails. Dryness in tips of fingers; afternoon.
23. Tearing, stitching pains in hips and thighs. Suppurating pains in hip-joint. Drawing, tearing, and tension in the legs (extending from the hips to the feet). Easy numbing of the limbs. Paralytic weakness of legs. Pressure, tearing, and shootings in muscles of thighs. Itching ulcers in thighs and ankles. Furunculi on thighs and calves of legs. Softening and ulceration of femur. Tearing in knee (when sitting, > from motion). Knee is painful, as if too tightly bound. Inflammatory swelling of knee. Fungus in knee. Drawing pain in legs. Coldness of legs. Swelling of legs as far as the feet. Ulcer on leg, with sticking, burning pains. Ulcers in the legs, often with sickly complexion. Red, smarting spot on the tibia. Caries of the tibia. Ulcers on lower leg, on tibia. Tension of calves of legs, as from contraction. Cramps in calves, esp. in evening, after corporeal labor. Torpor of calves of legs. Itching miliary eruption on calves. Tearing and shootings in calves, heels, and toes. Lancination in ankle, when treading, or resting on foot. Numbness of feet in evening. Coldness of feet, sometimes after suppressed perspiration of feet. Burning sensation in feet and soles, especially in evening and at night. Swelling of feet, generally in morning. Offensive smell from feet (intolerable carrion-like; without sweat, every evening). Profuse, offensive perspiration on feet, with excoriation (and blisters) between the toes. Suppressed perspiration on feet. Hard and painful callosities on soles. Voluptuous tickling in soles, which, when the part has been scratched a little, is almost maddening. Cramp in the soles of feet. Gnawing vesicles in heel. Corrosive ulcer on heel, with itching. Stiffness of toes. Constant, violent boring or tearing in great toes. Ulceration of great toe, with shooting pain. Bunion. Itching, suppurating scabs on toes. Ingrowing toenail; offensive discharge. Corns in the feet, with shooting pains; also under toenails.
24. Affections in general of any kind appearing chiefly in light-haired people; back; lower extremity; scalp; external head behind the ears; external surface of inguinal ring; inguinal ring and hernia of long standing; finger-nails, esp. if there are white spots on the nails. Griping pains with a tearing away feeling, of twisting or of writhing; or as if something were being torn away. Sensation of heaviness in inner parts.-Jerking pains. Debility; weakness of joints, esp. of ankle-joints, < In night, chiefly in latter part, in open air; in children of Silica temperament where they are sickly, have worms, & cold; when single parts are cold; from taking cold in the feet; with profuse salivation; on uncovering; from a draught of air; after eating; after drinking; lying on painful side; looking fixedly at an object; from wine; from outward pressure; from reading; stepping heavily on ground or floor; in stonecutters; when the weather changes; from getting feet wet; from worm troubles of any kind; when writing; from uncovering head, > From wrapping head up; in the room. Tendency to strain back. Swelling and induration of glands, generally without pain, only sometimes with troublesome itching. Acid, corrosive discharges. Trembling when writing. Epileptic fits; starting, distortion of eyes, twitching of lips, lolling of tongue, stretching and distortion of head and limbs. Several affections and pains are by wrapping up; followed by severe fever and perspiration. Constant chilliness, even when exercising or in a warm room. Excessively chilly disposition, and shuddering, with frequent shiverings, also on the least movement. Heat predominates. Frequently during day short flushes of heat, principally in face. Violent general heat, with violent thirst in afternoon, evening, and all night. Periodically returning heat during day, without any previous chill, and followed by slight perspiration. Perspiration from slight exercise; most profuse on head and face. Perspiration only on the head. Fever, with violent heat in head; afternoons; at night, with thirst and catching inspiration.-The perspiration comes periodically. Intermittent fever, heat predominating. Frequent heat, sometimes transient. Fever, with excessive heat, generally without shivering, and with little perspiration. Perspiration during a moderate walk. Profuse perspiration at night, sometimes of an (offensive or) acid smell. Debilitating perspiration in morning.
Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.
Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.
Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at : Qaisar Ahmed
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