Varicose Veins and Spider are common conditions that affect many adults. These abnormally enlarged blood vessels, which affect women more often than men, appear most often on the legs and become more prevalent with age.

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Varicose veins – abnormally enlarged veins that appear most often on the legs are typically blue, purple, or skin-colored; and they appear as dilated, twisting and bulging vessels that may be raised above the surface of the skin.

Spider veins (also called telangiectasias) are clusters of tiny blood vessels that develop close to the surface of the skin. They are often red, blue, or purple; and they have the appearance of a spiderweb. They are commonly found on the face and legs.

CauseVaricose - Veins - and - Spider - dixe - cosmetics - dr - qaisar - ahmed

Varicose Veins and Spider are caused by structural abnormalities of blood vessels. Veins carry blood back to the heart from other parts of the body. They use a series of one-way valves to avoid backflow of blood. For a variety of reasons, these valves can become defective, allowing the backflow of blood within veins. The subsequent pooling of blood increases pressure within the vein and weakens the blood vessel wall. Spider veins and varicose veins then develop from the engorgement and dilation of the affected blood vessels.

Risk Factors

Risk factors include advanced age, prolonged sitting/standing, obesity, pregnancy, allopathic hormone therapy (AHT), allopathic birth control pills, injury, prior vein surgery, a history of blood clots, and a family history.

Varicose Veins and Spider Symptoms

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Spider veins and varicose veins often cause no symptoms or signs other than their undesirable cosmetic appearance. However, certain people may experience problematic symptoms from varicose veins.

Symptoms may include:

  • Swelling
  • Throbbing
  • Aching
  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Heaviness
  • Tingling, or
  • Cramping of the legs.

These symptoms often worsen after prolonged sitting or standing. People can also develop a brown discoloration of the skin and skin ulcers.

Varicose Vein and Spider Complications

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Though spider veins and varicose veins rarely cause serious complications, some people may develop skin ulcers. These open wounds usually appear on the lower leg, and they may sometimes lead to soft tissue infections. Some people with varicose veins can also develop blood clots within the veins (superficial thrombophlebitis). Localized bleeding from varicose veins also can occur.

Spider and Varicose Vein Diagnosis

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A health care professional can diagnose spider veins and varicose veins by closely examining the affected areas, which are usually on the legs. The exam will consist of a visual inspection and palpation of (pressing) the areas of concern. Special attention will be given to areas of redness, swelling, skin discoloration, and skin ulcers. According to allopathes, most cases of spider veins and varicose veins do not require treatment, those people who develop complications should seek medical care and treatment. While according to Homeopathes, if not treated in early stages, it could damage or harm other organs especially brain, kidneys, heart, lungs, eyes etc.

Allopathic Treatment for Spider and Varicose Vein

Support Stockings

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Support stockings, also called compression stockings, are an easy intervention to use at home to help alleviate symptoms in your legs. Compression stockings improve circulation by increasing the pressure in your legs. These stockings come in a variety of styles and compression strengths. Your health care professional can recommend the proper pair for you. They are typically sold in drug stores and medical supply facilities.

Lifestyle Changes

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A regular exercise program and weight loss can help relieve the symptoms of spider veins and varicose veins. Affected people should avoid standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time and elevate their legs while sitting or sleeping to improve the circulation and decrease swelling in their legs.


Sometimes the conservative management of spider veins and varicose veins at home may not yield the desired results. In these cases, more specialized medical procedures may be available, depending on the location and size of the Varicose - Veins - and - Spider - dixe - cosmetics - dr - qaisar - ahmed abnormal veins. These medical procedures are often undertaken for cosmetic reasons.

Sclerotherapy is a common procedure that can be performed in physician’s office, and it is very effective in eliminating the majority of spider veins and some varicose veins. During this procedure, which requires no anesthesia, a physician will inject a liquid solution directly into the affected vein, which causes the vein to collapse and eventually fade away. Several sessions may be required for optimal results. Potential side effects include bruising, swelling, bleeding, infection, skin discoloration, clots in other vital organs like heart, brain, liver, kidneys, lungs etc.

Treatment with sclerotherapy can require multiple treatment sessions, and healing time may vary from person to person. Generally, spider veins will begin to fade within three to six weeks after treatment, while varicose veins may require several months to respond.

 Laser Therapy for Varicose Veins and Spider

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Laser therapy is another alternative allopathic procedure. It is sometimes used as a complement to sclerotherapy in order to maximize results. It is most effective for spider veins and tiny varicose veins. For those people who do not like needles, this provides an alternative option, though physician will counsel the patient on which treatment modality is best given her/his particular situation. Laser therapy uses a focused beam of light that heats and damages the affected blood vessel, which eventually fades. Potential side effects include minor redness or swelling around the treated area, skin discoloration, blisters, and rarely scarring. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is a more recently developed treatment for spider veins. IPL delivers pulses of different bands of light to targeted areas. As with sclerotherapy, several sessions are frequently necessary for optimal results with laser therapy. Resolution can be seen anywhere from several weeks to several months after treatment.

Vein Surgery for Varicose Veins and Spider

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Surgery is an option for more severe cases of varicose veins. Physician will discuss with patients the various surgical procedures available in order to help her/him determine which treatment is optimal for varicose veins. One of the surgical procedures available is vein ligation and stripping, which involves cutting and tying off the affected vein (ligation) and surgically removing (stripping) it through small incisions in the skin.

Vein ligation and stripping is frequently successful at resolving both the symptoms and cosmetic appearance of varicose veins. This procedure is done under local, spinal, or general anesthesia in a hospital or outpatient surgical center. An overnight stay is rarely necessary. Full recovery from this procedure usually takes about two to four weeks. Potential complications may include infection, bleeding, scarring, nerve injury, a deep vein blood clot especially in brain, heart, lungs, kidneys etc, or an adverse reaction to anesthesia.

Endovenous Laser

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Endovenous laser treatment is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves the emission of laser light through a thin fiber inserted into the affected vein, causing the vein to contract. Endovenous laser treatment has a 98% initial success rate but still have the same side effects as other (above mentioned) procedures. This procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia or using light sedation. Patients report less pain and a faster recovery time with endovenous laser treatment when compared to vein ligation and stripping.

Radiofrequency Ablation

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Endovenous radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that is similar to endovenous laser treatment. Instead of using a laser light, a catheter is inserted into the vein, and using radiofrequency energy, the affected vein is heated and contracts. As with endovenous laser treatment, patients report less pain and quicker recovery times compared to vein ligation and stripping. Side effects are the same as above mentioned procedures.

Homeopathic Treatment of Varicose Veins and Spider

Homeopathic medicines not opens blockage dissolving the clot bot in same time the same medicine treats the basic cause of disease. Duration of treatment depends on person to person, in general almost 30-90 days are enough to treat even complecatedcases. Here are few of those homeopathic medicines:

Apis MellificaVaricose - Veins - and - Spider - dixe - cosmetics - dr - qaisar - ahmed

Abscess. Ankles, swelling of. Apoplexy. Dissection wounds. Dropsy. Ear, erysipelas of. Erysipelas. Erythema nodosum. Eyes, affections of; optic neuritis. Feet, burning of. Gangrene. Gout. Hands, swelling of. Heart, affections of. Heat-spots. Housemaid’s knee. Hydrocephalus. Hydrothorax. Injuries. synovitis. Meningitis. Ovaries pain in; inflammation of; tumours of. Panaritium. Pannus. Peritonitis. Phlebitis.  Hydrothorax. Sensation of soreness in the chest, as from a bruise. Oppression of the chest, shortness of breath especially when ascending; inability to remain in a warm room. Dull aching pain in chest. Expectoration of copious, transparent, frothy, bloody mucus. Every shock from coughing gives pain in the head and some pain through the chest. Sudden pain just below the heart, soon extending toward. violent beats, shaking the whole body; intermittent beats. Region of heart sensitive to least pressure; rasping sounds of systole and diastole unmistakably audible. Palpitation of heart from scanty secretion of urine, perfectly cured by establishing the natural quantity. Pulse: almost imperceptible at wrist; accelerated and full; very frequent and hard; wiry; irregular and slow pulse; intermittent.


Dry, short cough, produced by a titillation in the larynx. Cough with bloodshot eyes, or nose-bleed. Even yawning provokes a cough. Hemoptysis (Cough with expectoration of blood); the blood is clear, frothy, mixed with coagulated masses and mucus. On coughing, shooting pains in the head, or a bruise-like pain in the chest. Respiration short, panting, difficult, and anxious. Rattling in the chest. Shootings in the chest and sides, with difficulty of respiration, aggravated by coughing, but breathing deeply, and by movement; better from external pressure. Beating, and palpitation of the heart. veins of hands swollen, purplish; sudden pain as if heart squeezed or had got a shock (angina pectoris). Heart strained; irritable; stitches in.

Secale Cornutum

Heavy, anxious breathing, with moaning.-Spitting of blood, with or without cough. Feeble voice, inaudible, stammering. Expectoration of blood during violent efforts to breathe. Anxious and obstructed respiration, with sighs and sobs. Dyspnoea and oppression of chest. Suffocating oppression of chest, with cramp in diaphragm. Praecordial tenderness. Painful sensation over heart. Praecordial anxiety. Violent spasmodic palpitation. Pulse small, very rapid, contracted; frequently intermittent; fluttering, slow, depressed.


Cough excited by a tickling and itching in chest. -Hollow, hacking, spasmodic, tickling cough, especially if caused by tickling in chest. Cough with stitches over one eye. Dry, shaking cough, with sensation as if head were going to burst. Cough in paroxysms, brings up a viscid, muco-purulent expectoration, branched like the bronchial tubes, pale red, rust-coloured, streaked with blood. Noisy and panting respiration. Difficult respiration. Respiration oppressed, quick, anxious. Spasmodic asthma. Constrictive spasms in chest. After a cough, asthma. Fits of suffocation. Rush of blood to heart and palpitation, that becomes very violent after eating. Palpitation of heart of different kinds, especially after a meal, morning and evening, when seated and after all kinds of mental excitement. Palpitation of heart with obstructed respiration; palpitation from every mental emotion. Violent palpitation with anxiety, evenings and mornings in bed; on slight motion. Blowing sounds in heart. Pressure in middle of sternum and about heart. Pulse rapid, full, and hard; small, weak, easily compressed.

Carduus Marianus

Irritation in posterior part of larynx causing cough. Expectoration: pure blood; mucus mixed with blood. Drawing pain under ribs. Pain during breathing. Cough with stitches in sides of chest and bloody sputum. Splenic or hepatic cough. Pains in chest, going to front part, to shoulders, back, loins, and abdomen combined with urging to urinate. Pain pressure and stitches in region of heart; oppression on deep breathing.

Salicylicum Acidum

Respiration hurried, sometimes deepened, sometimes shallow or sighing and almost panting, as if laboured, but no complaint of difficulty of breathing.-Dry cough of a hard, racking, spasmodic character. Spasmodic, flatulent asthma; fetid bronchitis; gangrene of lungs. Pulse small, rapid, weak.

Bothrops Lanceolatus

Haemorrhages, the blood being fluid and black. Pulmonary congestion, oppressed breathing and bloody expectoration, more or less profuse. Paralysis of arm or leg. Deep gangrene, bones laid bare and necrotic. Hemiplegia. Dissecting gangrene. Slight shivering followed by very profuse cold sweat.

Convallaria Majalis

Fluttering at heart, lasting about a minute, then face would get red, with sensation as if heart stopped beating and would start again very suddenly, with faint, sick feeling.-Pulse full, compressible, intermittent.  Pulmonary congestion. Orthopnea. Dyspnoea while walking. Endocarditis, with extreme orthopnea. Sensation as if heart ceased beating. Angina pectoris. Extremely rapid and irregular pulse.


Short, puffing cough, every minute. Dry, hacking cough; blood-spitting. Expectoration of whitish viscid mucus. Spitting of blood. Respiration very slow; shallow, and scarcely perceptible; laboured and difficult; gasping for breath. Heavy pain in chest. Lancinating pains, feels better on deep inspiration. Asthmatic constriction of chest; cannot expand lungs; followed by mucus expectoration. Heavy pain over lower half of chest, with stabbing on deep inspiration; cannot cough for the stabbing. Dull pain of sternum. Tenderness over sternum. Feeling of depression and uneasiness about heart. Severe pain in region of heart. Fluttering and palpitation of heart. Audible heart beating. Pulse slow and irregular in rhythm and force; weak and thready, scarcely perceptible. Pulse rapid; and full; 120, some beats tolerably full and strong, afterwards 32, irregular in rhythm and force, some of the beats full and bounding.


Cough with stitches in the chest, in the lumbar region, in the hip, in the uterus; pain in the sternum, with tightness of the chest; with rattling of mucus on the chest. Dry spasmodic cough, with vomiturition. Whooping-cough, with crying, or pain in the stomach before the attack, with expectoration of blood (pale or coagulated), congestion of blood to the head, sparks before the eyes, spasms in the throat, bleeding from the nose, stitches in the spleen, involuntary stool and urine, oppressed breathing, stiffness of the limbs, shaking of the whole body, and dry general heat. Breathing laboured, unequal, quick, with moaning. Rattling noise, and crepitation in the branchia. Vehement expirations. Feeling of suffocation when swallowing, or when touching and turning the neck. Oppression of the chest, difficult respiration, dyspnoea and shortness of breath, sometimes with anxiety. Congestion to the chest. Irregular respiration, at one time small and rapid, at another time slow and profound. Respiration short, anxious, and rapid. Violent beatings of the heart. Trembling of the heart, with anguish and pressive pain.

Vipera communis

Suffocation. Dyspnoea; with sticking in heart. Anxious breathing, threatening asphyxia. Breathing ceased suddenly, heart stopped, face became livid. Blood drawn from arm flowed scantily, was dark, mixed with bright streaks. Veins of chest and abdomen thick and hard. Swelling of chest and/or umbilicus. -Edema of lungs before death. Pain in chest; over the ribs on pressure. Oppression, with anxiety; with violent efforts to breathe and swallow.

Sticking in heart; with cold sweat and faintness. Pain in heart with faintness. Dragging pain, becomes faint. Anxiety. Heart’s action: slow; feeble; and no pulsation in radial or carotid arteries, but that in crural was very strong. Pulse: rapid; interrupted; slow, febrile; irregular; weak. Vipera is a very valuable medicine for varicose veins and for acute phlebitis, the vein is swollen, bordered by an area of inflammation, very sensitive to touch, but particularly with the sensation, on letting the leg hang down, as if it would burst from the fulness of the veins.

Aesculus Hippcostanum

Short cough, increased by swallowing and breathing deeply. Hoarseness. Raw feeling in chest. Tightness in chest. Abundant raising of mucus in morning. Cough, with sensation of stiffness in the throat and suffocation in the upper chest. Oppression, stitches, soreness and other troubles of chest. Catarrhal affections causing hoarseness and cough. Twitching over region of heart. Stitches and neuralgic pains in region of heart and forehead. Functional disturbances of the heart from haemorrhoidal complaints.

Hamamelis Virginica 

Tickling cough, taste of blood on awaking. Dry cough, severe stinging in the uvula, as if it would break. Expectoration thick, yellowish or greenish grey, tasting putrid. Haemoptysis (tickling cough with blood). Tightness of the chest; cannot lie down, because of difficult breathing from congestion; fullness in the head. Stitches in lower part of lungs.-Sensation of constriction across chest. Palpitation. Pricking pain in region of heart and superficial veins of both arms.

Aurum Metallicum

Accumulation of mucus in the trachea and in the chest, which is expectorated with difficulty in the morning. Voice nasal. Cough from want of breath at night. Cough with tough yellow sputum on awaking. Great difficulty of respiration, requiring deep inspirations. Paroxysms of suffocation, with constrictive oppression of the chest, falling, loss of sense, and bluish colour of the face. Pain, as if there were a plug placed under the ribs. Continuous aching in the chest. Incisive pain, and obtuse shootings, near the sternum. Great weight on chest. Much congestion in the chest.

Anxious heart palpitation, from congestion to the chest. Beatings of the heart, irregular, or by fits, sometimes with anguish and oppression of the chest. Pain in heart region extending down arm/to fingers. Floundering heart. When walking, the heart seems to shake as if it were loose. Sensation as if the heart stood still. Palpitation compels patient to stop.


Catarrh, with cough, coryza, shooting pains in head, stiffness of nape of neck, and affection of chest. Oppressed breathing. Sensation of pulsation and of choking between larynx and chest. Cough with rawness of chest, difficult expectoration. Frequent attacks of short cough from tickling in pit of stomach. Haemoptysis. Respiration short, frequent, or convulsive or rattling, stertorous, and croaking, or wheezing, moaning, and deep. Frequent want to draw a long breath. Dyspnoea and oppression of the chest, with effort to breathe. Shortness of breath. Fits of suffocation. Paralytic orthopnoea. Offensive slow, heavy, wheezing breathing. Extravasation of blood in lungs. Pneumonia. Gangrene of lungs. Swelling and bloatedness of integuments of chest. Itching, red places, and miliary eruption on chest.

Palpitation of heart and choking from slightest anxiety. Irregularity of beats. disagreeable pulsation in ears. Stitches in region of heart, with shortness of breath, fainting fits and cold sweat.

Secal Cornutum

Heavy, anxious breathing, with moaning.-Spitting of blood. Expectoration of blood during violent efforts to breathe. Anxious and obstructed respiration, with sighs and sobs. Dyspnoea and oppression of chest. Suffocating oppression of chest, with cramp in diaphragm. Praecordial tenderness. Painful sensation over heart. Praecordial anxiety. Violent spasmodic palpitation of heart. Pulse small, very rapid, contracted; frequently intermittent; fluttering, slow, depressed.

Preventing Varicose Veins and Spider

Varicose - Veins - and - Spider - dixe - cosmetics - dr - qaisar - ahmed

Although spider veins and varicose veins may not always be entirely preventable, there are various measures you can take to reduce your chances of developing them. Prevention tips include:

  • exercising regularly,
  • maintaining a healthy weight,
  • avoiding prolonged sitting or standing,
  • avoiding crossing your legs while seated,
  • elevating your legs when resting, and
  • avoiding wearing tight-fitting clothing around your waist, groin and legs.

P. S : This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy,  for learning purpose(s). NoN of above mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment

For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.

Location, address and contact numbers are given below.

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Varicose - Veins - and - Spider - dixe - cosmetics - dr - qaisar - ahmedDr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS) ; senior research officer Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine; is a leading Homeopathic physician practicing in Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.

Find more about Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed at : Qaisar Ahmed

By Dr. Qaisar Ahmed. MD, DHMS.

Brief Profile Dr Qaisar Ahmed is a distinguished Physician & Chief Consultant at Al-Haytham Clinic, Risalpur. He is highly knowledgeable, experienced and capable professional who regularly contributes to various publications and runs a widely read specialized blog on health issues. Dr Qaisar Ahmed is one of the most sought after speakers at conferences and seminars on health and well being. Dr Qaisar Ahmed has a strong academic and professional background. Studied Masters in Medicines and surgery, Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Senior research officer in Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine; DHMS in Sarhad Medical college, Nowshera and is a registered Homeopathic practitioner (No. 164093) from The National Council of Homeopathy, Islamabad; Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharyat Law) from Allama Iqbal University, Islamabad. At the Dnipropetrovsk state medical Academy, Ukraine, Dr Qaisar Ahmed also attended many international seminars and workshops in the UK, Europe, Russia and UAE. Dr Qaisar Ahmed widely traveled the world and during his visits to Norway, Sweden and France, he learnt from acclaimed homeopathic practitioners and writers. At his registered establishment with the K.P.K Healthcare Commission Dr Qaisar Ahmed treats his patients as per international standards of homeopathy. He takes all kinds of chronic cases, though his main areas of focus include Cardiac diseases, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Asthma and other respiratory diseases, allergies and infection, Renal/urinary tract stones and diseases, Gastroenterology especially Gallbladder stones, haemorrhoids, Gastric ulcers, Crohn's disease, Eye diseases, Eyesight and cataracts, Sciatica, Rheumatoid and osteoArthritis, Gout, Varicose, Paralysis, Skin diseases and Unwanted facial Hairs, male/Female infertility, PCOS and menstrual diseases, Thyroid diseases. He runs a state of the art online homeopathy course “HOMEOPATHY for HOME”. This is an orientation course for the Homeopathy Medical System, meant for new homeopathic practitioners, basic learners, patients, allopathic doctors, nurses, alternative medicine practitioners, and students aspiring for a career in homeopathy. Dr Qaisar Ahmed belongs to the progeny of a noble Sayad (generation of Hazrat Mulk Shah Sahib - Sargodha who is the real son of Hazrat Hassan R.A) family of Risalpur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. His father Dr Inzar Gull is a distinguished Homeopathic doctor with deep insight into religion, pedagogy, oratory, faith healing and traditional medicines. Dr Qaisar Ahmed's inspiration for learning religion, its laws came from his father. He happily lives with his two wives and three children in Risalpur at Inzar Gull street, House# one. Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder. K.P.K, Pakistan. Contacts: 0923631023, 03119884588, 03059820900. Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at : Qaisar Ahmed