Weak memory, In order for information to be encoded in memory, it must first be attended to. Thus, people especially children who have deficits in attention often have trouble with this first memory process.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Many children and adults with attention deficits report that they have trouble remembering events that took place within the past 24 hours. Students also often have “gaps” in their knowledge of basic skills because they tune in and out in the classroom. They are often reluctant to engage in tasks, such as schoolwork and homework, which require sustained mental effort.
Even when children with attention deficits attend to the appropriate information, they may only attend at a very superficial level. Therefore, they fail to elaborate on the incoming information. They do not activate prior knowledge and relate it to the to-be-learned information.
Students who have deficits in encoding information in memory may have trouble remembering directions or what they have just read on signboard, they may have trouble remembering what others said during conversations. Their deficits may be more pronounced in certain sensory systems or modalities, such as visual, auditory or kinesthetic.
Learning disability arises from neurological differences in brain structure and function and affects a person’s ability to receive, restore, process, retrieve or communicate information.
Learning disability can be an after effect of the insults developing before and during birth or after post-natal events, or in the gestational history of the mother, or due to nutritional deficiency or various toxins.
Developmental and intellectual disabilities like Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, Down syndrome, Rett syndrome, and developmental language disorder commonly cause memory problems.
Though some of these conditions may affect long-term and visual memory, they most often disrupt working memory.
Dementia, aging and Weak Memory?
Dementia is not a normal part of aging. It includes the loss of cognitive functioning — thinking, remembering, learning, and reasoning — and behavioral abilities to the extent that it interferes with a person’s quality of life and activities.
Memory loss, though common, is not the only sign of dementia. People with dementia may also have problems with language skills, visual perception, or paying attention. Some people have personality changes.
While there are different forms of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form in people over age 65.
Symptoms of Weak Memory and short-term memory
The key symptoms are:
- Difficulty remembering lists of things over a period of seconds
- Difficulty blending longer words
- Difficulty organising things
- Difficulty following the meaning of a sentence
- Slow, stilted reading
- Tends to get short words okay
Common types of learning disabilities
- Dyslexia – Difficulty with reading
Signs of reading difficulty include problems with:
- letter and word recognition
- understanding words and ideas
- reading speed and fluency
- general vocabulary skills
- Dyscalculia – Difficulty with math
- Problems doing math problems, understanding time, using money etc.
- Dysgraphia – Difficulty with writing.
Symptoms of a written language learning disability revolve around the act of writing. They include problems with:
- neatness and consistency of writing
- accurately copying letters and words
- spelling consistency
- writing organization and coherence
- Problems with handwriting, spelling, organizing ideas
- Dyspraxia (Sensory Integration Disorder) – Difficulty with fine motor skills
- Problems with hand-eye coordination, balance, manual dexterity
- Dysphasia – Difficulty with language.
- Problems understanding spoken language, poor reading comprehension
- Auditory Processing Disorder – Difficulty hearing differences between sounds
- Problems with reading, comprehension, language
- Visual Processing Disorder – Difficulty interpreting visual information.
Women who’ve gone through menopause might have noticed that memory problems have occurred.
Menopausal women have reported cognitive issues to their doctors for a long time, issues like struggling with a routine mental task or remembering information. This study’s significance lies in the fact that it verifies these feelings as an actual biological effect.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) could help keep a woman’s brain spry into her golden years. But it’s all haves lot of side effects.
The cognitive tests studied attention, verbal learning and memory, fine motor skills, dexterity, and “working memory.”
This means the ability to not only take in and store new information, but also manipulate it. In daily life, all this contributes to the ability to stay focused.
The main cause(s) related to learning disability are the following:
- MIND- MISTAKES ,general , calculating etc
- MIND- MISTAKES, general, differentiating of objects for example
- MIND – MISTAKES, general, reading etc
- MIND -MISTAKES ,general, speaking etc
- MIND -MISTAKES ,general, writing etc
- MIND -MATHEMATICS , general…
- DISEASES- LEARNING, disabilities…
For weak memory prescription should be the one or combination of the following medicines:
1) CALCAREA CARBONICA for Weak Memory:
Persons of scrofulous constitution who take cold easily. A jaded state, mental or physical, due to overwork. Abscesses in deep muscles ; polypi and exostosis. Children likes eggs, eat soil, chalk, charcoal etc.
These patients are prone to diarrhoea. They are fat and flabby, flabby – who grow rapidly; profuse sweat on head, mega cephalic (large headed), forgetful, learns poorly, sluggish and slow in movements, confused, misplaces words, obstinate, aversion to work, slight mental exertion produce headache. Depressed melancholic or doubting mood. Aggravation from mental exertion, eyestrain and anxiety.
Specifically indicated in infancy and old ages . The patient with abdominal swelling, takes cold easily and always have swollen tonsils.
Patient subjected to quinsy which is prone to suppuration ; gums bleed easily. Marasmic, Slow, inept and backward. Childish, thoughtless behavior, timid, coward, weak beclouded mind, Increasing mental weakness, forgets her errand or the word in her mouth,sShy of strangers.
Scrofulous children who are mentally and physically dwarfish, doesn’t grow and develop, loss of memory, mental weakness, loss of confidence in himself, confusion, memory deficient, forgetful, inattentive, child cannot be taught for it cannot remember, threatened idiocy.
3) AGARICUS MUSCARIUS for Weak Memory:
These patients are related to tubercular diathesis, anaemic, chorea, Jerking, twitching, trembling and itching are strong indications.
Various forms of neuralgias and spasmodic affections. Reading difficulties as words seems moving or swimming. Aversion to conversation. Indisposed to perform any kind of labour especially mental. Sings, talks but doesn’t answer, loquacity, aversion to work, indifference, fearlessness. Aggravation from mental exertion. Nervous and restless.
Precocious, weak, carbo – nitrogenoid constitution . It is especially adapted to ailments developing gradually, functional power weakens, weak or even failure of the digestive system, liver function could be seriously disturbed.
Sees only half of an object. Depression, sensitive, stupid, memory fails, use wrong words to express even him/herself, mixes up words – of things, sallow, sunken.
Premature lines in the face; looks older than he/she is, weak with megacephaly, Confused over daily matters, can’t think. Miscalls or omits words. Averse to undertake new things, loss of self confidence, spells or write wrong words and syllables. Cannot read what he/she writes.
Merc Sole should be advised in the secondary stage of syphilis where there is febrile chloro- anaemia, rheumatoid pains behind sternum, R/A joints, ulceration of mouth, throat, falling of hair.
All mercurius symptoms are worse at night and during perspiration. Breath, excretions and body smell foul. Adapted to light haired patients, skin and muscles lax. Slow answering, Memory weakened and loss of will-power.
Thinks he/she is losing his/her reason. Weak exhausted, hurried and rapid talking. Marasmus. Bad effects of fright, leaving one in a state of great anxiety which feels better at night. Apprehensive, Moral dejection, with great listlessness, discourage. Entire unfitness for meditation, make mistakes while speaking.
It is especially indicated in tardy dentition, bone diseases, Calcium deficiency, anaemias after acute diseases and/or chronic wasting diseases.
Numbness and crawling are characteristic sensations in calcarea phosphorica.
Anaemic children who are dark complexioned, Caucasians (dark hair and eyes), thin spare subjects, peevish, cold extremities. Forgetful, Emaciated, unable to stand properly, slow in learning to start walk (in puberty). Idiotismus versatalis.
Tall or scrawny children with dirty brownish skin and soft thin bones. Aggravation from mental exertion.
Marked tendency to fainting fits with heart failure. Cold extremities, extreme dryness of mucous membranes and skin. Strange feeling with irresistible drowsiness. Adapted to children of a nervous hysterical temperament, absence of mind; cannot think; indifference to everything , weakness or loss of memory, vanishing of thoughts while reading, talking or writing; uses wrong words. Changeable; laughing and crying, confused, impaired memory.
Aggravation from mental exertion or shock, from emotions.
The most remarkable hallucinations and imaginations, exaggeration in the duration of time and extent of space, being most characteristic. Conception of time, space and place is gone. Extremely happy and contented, nothing troubles.
Very forgetful: Forgets his last words and ideas; begins a sentence; forgets what he intends to speak; inability to recall any thought or event on account of other thoughts crowding his brain. Cannot finish a sentence. Exalted ideation and perception, with mental excitement. Feels weak and all gone to nothing. Weak vision.
It has many hysterical and nervous symptoms and is of use in neuralgic affections and anomalous, functional, cardiac disorders. Numbness on becoming cold. Emotional and fidgety. Nervous and irritable. Makes mistakes in writing and adding, nervous, hysterical and nervous.
A condition of sensorial depression, sees and hears imperfectly, and a general muscular weakness. Slow in answering. Thoughtless, staring. Involuntary sighing. Blunted senses and sluggish responses, drops things, Inattention. Stupid, obtuse or apathetic. Things are looks like new ones. Stupid, staring or tired look. Blank, somber despair .
They are neurasthenics, nervous dyspepsia, relieved by food; impaired memory, depression, irritability and diminution of senses. Sensation of a plug in a plug in various parts – eyes, rectum ,bladder.
Fear of examination. Sudden loss of memory; everything seems to be in a dream; patient is greatly troubled about his forgetfulness; confused, unfit for business. Fixed ideas. Weakening of all senses, eyesight, hearing.
Aversion to work; lack of self -confidence. Brain fag. Absent mindedness. Very easily offended. Mental and physical lack of power. Bad memory; suddenly forgets names. Mental and physical lack of power . Aggravation from mental exertion, emotions, anger, fright and care.
Debility, exhaustion, restlessness, with nightly aggravation, irritable weakness, burning pains and great exhaustion after the slightest exertion are the characteristic symptoms.
Fear fright and worry. Great anguish and restlessness. Lacks courage. Sensitive to disorder and confusion. The disposition is of depressing, melancholic, despairing, indifferent. Restless head. Anguish.
Patients of lax complexion, weak, diminished vital heat, relaxed plethoric and sluggish, dirty complexion.
It affects the mucous membranes, producing a sensation of constriction. Children of clumsy, faty, dirty, and disinclined to work or think, excessive peevishness. Dullness of all the senses, awkward especially with headache. Taciturn and obstinate.
Chamomilla patients are sensitive, irritable, thirsty and numb. Over sensitiveness from abuse of coffee, tea and narcotics.
Pains unendurable, associated with numbness. Night sweats, whining restlessness, mental calmness. Complaints from anger and vexation. Impatient, intolerant of being spoken to or interrupted, extremely sensitive to every pain, always complaining.
Peevish, irritable, snappish cannot return a civil answer. Aversion to talk, answers peevish, stupidity, mental obtuseness,oOmits words, bad temper. Frantic irritability. Unappeasable crossness, ugly, cross, quarrelsome and uncivilised.
A powerful and deep acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed gonorrhoea. Great disturbance and irritability of nervous system. Children dwarfed and stunted, chronic catarrhal conditions, state of collapse and trembling all over, intensity of all sensations, sycotic taint, poor reaction.
Forgetfulness: of names, later of words and initial letters. Loses constantly the aim of his/her talk. Seems to his/herself to make wrong statements, because he/she does not know what to say next, begins all right but does not know how to finish.
Difficulty in concentrating his thoughts on abstract subjects. Memory weak, forgets words, mental confusion, things seem strange, fearsome, apprehensive.
Nux vomica patients are always thin, spare, quick, active, nervous and irritable. Zealous fiery temperament, very irritable, sensitive to all impressions, cannot bear noises, odours, light. Sullen, fault-finding.
Violent reaction; often irregularly fitful or inefficient. Irritable and hypersensitive, mentally and physically. Angry and impatient. Dizziness, an unsteady/absent mind, wavering condition. Awkwardness and drowsiness, g reat laziness, with dislike to and unfitness for bodily and mental labour .Incapacity for meditation; tendency to misapply words when speaking; difficulty in finding suitable expressions; mistaking weights and measures; frequent confusion when writing, with omission of syllables, or entire words. Aggravation from mental exertion, anger.
This medicine has clinical reputation in the treatment of ears, toothache, and enuresis.Periodical prosopalgia, worse 7am to 2pm. Pain in ears, pain goes from one ear to the other through head. Hearing acute; noises painful. Nocturnal enuresis. Profuse flow of saliva.
Mind inactive, with dull, muddled feeling in head. Despondency, confusion of thought, Irritable, morose, impatient, restless mood, with dull and stupid feeling. Severe mental prostration, aggravated by mental exertion. Severe prostration of mind, worse by mental exertion and causes rapid breathing and anxiety.
Extremely restless, hysterical with chlorosis, chorea, constriction and formication sensation, sensitive to music or loud sounds, aversion to company but wants someone to be present nearby.
Twitching and jerking of muscles of extremities are characteristics. Extra ordinary contractions and movements. Violence, sudden, cunning and destructive.
Little intelligence and poor memory, sudden alternation of mood, sensitive and nervous. When questioned he/she does not answer. The mental symptoms are better in evening and after eating.
Tuberculinum is especially for patients with lax fiber (soft body muscles), low recuperative powers, light complexioned, narrow chested. These patients are very susceptible to weather changes.
When symptoms are constantly changing and well- selected remedy fail to improve, and cold is taken from slight exposure, Tub will help amazingly.
Mentally deficient kids, mentally and physically very sensitive, always tired, least movement causes intense fatigue; aversion to work; wants constant changes. Remedy for nervous children. Tubercular taint, Dissatisfied, confusion, sensitive, every trifle irritates, Indifferent, forgetful.
Aversion to all labour, especially mental work. Aggravation mental excitement, thinking of it.
Rapid exhaustion and emaciation. Complaints from moonlight. Sycotic, hydrogenoid or lymphatic constitution. Hasty and anxious, Cannot concentrate, emotional and sensitiveness, loud noises and music causes weeping and trembling. Vacancy in head, with inability to think. Slow speech, with frequent interruption, because he is obliged to hunt for his words. Restlessness, Great depression. He meditates over every tiff, with anxious concern for the future.
One of the great nerve medicine. Prostration, weak and tired especially adapted to young. Marked disturbance in sympathetic nervous system. Conditions arising from want of nerve power, neurasthenia, mental and physical depression.
Excitement, overwork and worry, nervous, sensitive and weak, shyness, disinclined to converse. Mental and physical depression, very nervous, brain fag, loss of memory, slightest labour seems a heavy task., shyness, difficulty in concentration, recollecting and thinking.
Brain fatigued after overwork or exhaustive study, nervous, loss of memory, cannot recollect word, omits letters in writings or use wrong words, weakness in sight; loss of perceptive power, headache of students, those worn out by fatigue, cerebral anaemia. Offensive breath with excessive oral dryness in morning.
22) PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM for Weak Memory:
The common “ debility” is marked in this medicine, producing a nervous exhaustion, mental debility first, weakness. Young people who grow rapidly and who are overtaxed mentally and physically.
Optic nerve seems torpid. Roaring with difficult hearing, intolerant of noise, weak and debilitated, slowness, quiet – aversion to talking. Mental debility, impaired memory, indifferent, cannot collect his thoughts or find the right word.
Difficult comprehension. Confused. Slow grasp. Cannot collect his ideas; hunt for words. Brain-fag, aggravation from emotions, grief, mental shock.
Extreme sensitiveness to touch and general soreness is marked. Whole brain feels tired, apathetic, jealous, fidgety, hard to please. Sudden shrill and piercing dreams. Drops things readily. Sensitive. Childish, foolishly suspicious, jealous, fussy and fidgety. Indifferent, awkward, listless; cannot think clearly. Cannot concentrate mind when attempting to read or study.
This the great antipsoric remedy. Its action is centrifugal, from within outward. Ebullitions of heat, dislike of water, dry and hard hair and skin, red orifices, sinking feeling in stomach about 11am and cat cnap sleep are indicative of sulphur.
Complaints that relapse . General offensive character of discharge and exhalations . Aversion to being washed. Atrophy of children, slow, lazy always tired, very forgetful, difficult thinking, irritable, aversion to business, loafs- too lazy to arouse himself, stupidity and imbecility, difficulty in understanding and answering correctly. Misplaces or cannot find a right word when he speaks. Errors respecting objects .
A deep long acting medicine for complaints which come on slowly and reach their final development after long periods.
These patients are very sensitive to cold, are weak emaciated, cold and chilly, but worse from being overheated; sensitive generally. Hydrogenoid constitution. Atrophy of children. Absent minded, irritable, irresolute, lacks self confidence, fearful.
Difficult gait, trembling, sudden loss of strength. Great debility in morning in bed. Weakness of body and mind, trembling and palpitation, shy, fear of being alone, weak memory, cannot think if look in their eyes. Excitement cause mental depression, no inclination for business or study, takes no interest in anything, want of mental energy, confusion of ideas as from drowsiness, weakness of intellectual faculties and memory, forgetfulness and extreme difficulty in re-collecting ideas and/or things. Dim sighted, worse from artificial light. Paralysis of ocular muscles. Defective hearing.
One of the best medicine for rheumatism and muscular pains. Dizzy full feeling in head. Bursting feeling with every step. Dullness of hearing. Profuse sweat. Nervous, restless, irritable; Lassitude, mentally dull and dazed, unable to concentrate on studies. Nervous, restless, irritable, lassitude.
28) XEROPHYLUM for Weak Memory:
Dull, cannot concentrate on study; forgets names; writes last letters of words first; misspells common words, difficult to focus on close work .
Like all carbons, this medicines is an anti psoric of great power and value. Children impudent, teasing, laugh at reprimands, has a particular tendency to develop the skin phase of internal disorders. Music makes him/her weep. Tendency to obesity. Hardness of hearing, hears better in noise. Don’t like hot drinks. Faty, relaxed, chilly, sad fearsome and irresolute.
Great tendency to start but unable to decide. Want of disposition to work. Fidgety while sitting at work. Apprehensive, despondency, indecision, forgetfulness and misapplication of words in speaking and writing.
The word “fag” covers a large part of zinc action. Defective vitality. Period of depression in disease., convulsions with pale face and no heat, very sensitive to noise, paresis, fears arrest on account of a supposed crime, melancholic, depressed, forgetful, repeats the question, then answers. Brain- fag, weak memory, aversion to work, to talk, child repeats everything said to it, lethargic, stupid, aggravation from mental exhaustion. In chronic diseases with brain and spinal symptoms, trembling, convulsive twitching and fidgety are guiding symptoms.
P. S : This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about homeopathy, and for learning purpose(s).
NoN of above mentioned medicine(s) is/are not the full/complete treatment but just hints for treatment; every patient has his own constitutional medicine along with these mentioned above.
For consultation, visit our clinic.
To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +92319884588
Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS) ; senior research officer Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine; is a leading Homeopathic physician practicing in Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.
Find more about Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed at :
https://www.youtube.com/Dr Qaisar Ahmed