Dixe_Cosmetics_Libido - Naughty Thinking

Libido – Naughty Thinking or “Sex Drive” is a term that is commonly used to describe sexual drive or a desire for sexual activity.

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“Instinctual” and a “primitive biological urge” in other words ” the energy created by the survival and sexual instincts”.

The desire (of a man and/or woman) to have sex is called libido. Libido is a person’s overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity, which includes sex with a partner and masturbation. Libido is complex and is influenced by biological, psychological and social factors. Biologically, sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) and neurotransmitters (such as dopamine and oxytocin) regulate libido.

Think of it as a habit done with a certain rhythm, like eating or breathing. But a person’s libido can vary by day, and even by the hour, regardless of testosterone levels (unless testosterone levels get very low, which would tank a person’s libido). Loss or reduction of libido can be experienced at any age. It may result in a reduced desire to have sex and/or sexual experiences that are no longer satisfying or pleasurable.

Research suggests that 15% of men and nearly 32% of women experience low sexual desire/Low sexual drive.

In women, hormonal changes related to birth control can often result in low libido,  antidepressants, may also affect your sex drive, but lifestyle changes can help these ladies boost libido.

Low sex drive is most commonly due to stress. Being anxious or worried about pretty much anything puts the nervous system into a primitive “fight-or-flight” response which absolutely buries sex drive.

On the other hand, relaxation stimulates the “rest and restore” nervous system and the sexual appetite blooms.

For a robust sex drive, a person need energy, relaxation, and time. Maybe that’s why sex is better on vacation. Not surprisingly, getting good sleep and reducing stress can get that sex drive right back where it was.

The low libido (male/female) might in fact be a symptom of an underlying medical illness and should be evaluated :

  • Acute stress
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Depression
  • Peyronie disease (curved, painful erections)
  • Sleep apnea/disorders
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Low testosterone
  • Malnutrition
  • Hyperprolactinemia
  • Medications (5-alpha reductase inhibitors, opiates)
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Cancer
  • Anemia
  • Drug abuse

The way I evaluate this is to assess whether the overall frequency of any sexual activity of a male or female (i.e. ejaculation, either with a partner or with self-stimulation) has changed.

That’s because sometimes there might be a partner – and if there is a partner, the frequency of intercourse may not always be consistent.

If the pattern of overall sexual activity is unchanged, then desire is likely normal.

The point here is that variations in sex drive can have less to do with your attraction to someone and more to do with your own health.

Other causes of low libido include:

  • Side effects of certain medicationsAntidepressants, antipsychotic medications, chemotherapy drugs and allopathic blood pressure drugs can decrease one’s sex drive.
  • Alcohol, smoking or recreational drugs: Drinking excess amounts of alcohol and improperly using drugs can both lead to a loss of sex drive. Smoking can suppress your testosterone levels, which can cause a lowered libido.
  • Physical activity: Either too much or too little physical activity can cause a decrease in sex drive.

There are also several conditions and situations that affect libido that specifically apply to people assigned female at birth or people assigned male at birth.

Allopathic low Libido – Naughty Thinking treatment

The treatment for low libido (low sex drive) depends on the cause. Several treatment options are available.Libido-Naughty Thinking-dr-qaisar-ahmed-dixe-cosmetics

Depending on the cause, it may be most beneficial to see one or more of the following medical specialists:

  • Primary care physician (PCP).
  • Sex therapist.
  • Psychologist.
  • Gynecologist.
  • Urologist.
  • Endocrinologist.

Types of treatment for low libido include:

  • Education and communication: Education about sex, sexual behaviors and sexual responses may help you overcome anxieties about sexual function. Open dialogue with your partner about your needs and concerns also helps overcome many barriers to a healthy sex life.
  • Stress management: Stress management involves using techniques to improve how you respond to life stressors. These techniques can prevent or ease stress-induced symptoms, such as low libido. Stress management may involve journaling, exercise, meditation and other forms of self-care.
  • Medication change: When a medication is the cause of low libido, your healthcare provider may recommend changing the medication.
  • Hormone therapy for menopause: Hormone therapy (HT) boosts your hormone levels and relieves some of the symptoms of menopause, including low libido. The two main types of HT are estrogen therapy and estrogen-progesterone/progestin hormone therapy (EPT).
  • Hormone therapy for low testosterone: Providers treat low testosterone (male hypogonadism) with testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone replacement therapy has several different forms, including pills, creams, injections and patches.
  • Individual psychotherapy: Psychotherapy (talk therapy) is a term for a variety of treatment techniques that aim to help a person identify and change unhealthy emotions, thoughts and behaviors. Therapy with a mental health professional can help you address medical conditions, mental health conditions or situations that may be contributing to a decrease in libido.
  • Couples therapy: In couples therapy, you and your partner work with a mental health professional to improve the overall quality of your relationship, work on resolving underlying problems and learn how to increase intimacy and physical affection. This can help with issues related to libido.
  • Sex therapy: Sex therapists are qualified psychologists, doctors or healthcare professionals who have specialized training in helping people with problems relating to sex, including a loss of sexual desire.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Libido – Naughty Thinking

Some medicines for Cute Bella Madonna with Libido – Naughty Thinking:

Libido-Naughty Thinking-dr-qaisar-ahmed-dixe-cosmetics


Sepia woman is highly irritable , sensitive, and angry, easily offended and miserable due to weak uterine  problems.

Low sex drive is due to the  relaxation of pelvic muscles, bearing down sensation as if everything would escape through vagina.

Aversion to coition due to prolapsed of uterus and vagina wall.

Frigidity from childbirth after weaning or hormone pills. Nausea and irritability on thought of sex. Great weakness after sex. Aversion to whom she loved best and other family members.


Sexual desire almost absent. Sexual thrill absent due to excessive masturbation.  Aversion to sex, sexual melancholy. Relaxation of genitals with leucorrhea.  Great sadness , depression. Diminished sexual desire with complete prostration and general debility.


Berberis vulgaris is suitable to listless , apathetic and indifferent woman . Sexual desire absent due to pain during coition. Cutting, stitching pains during coition. Vaginismus. Vagina very sensitive, pinching constriction in mons veneris , contraction and tenderness of vagina. Burning and soreness in vagina after intercourse. Enjoyment absent during sex. Great prostration after sex. Neuralgia of ovaries and vagina are other factors for low sex drive.


Sexual desire completely absent due to uterine pain and bearing down pains. Soreness of ovaries with rectum, have low power of concentration and coordination, early and prolonged menses.  Great prostration, weak, timid. Often suffers from migraine. Sexual neurasthenia, weariness ,  tiredness in legs.


Aversion to sex due to past history of rape or sexual abuse. Vaginismus- sensitive to touch. Ovarian pain , going into thighs , worse pressure or sex. Prolapse with sinking feeling in the abdomen. Staphysagria patient often prefers solitude. Frequent urinary infection , worse from intercourse .


Sexual  desire absent , especially in hysterical woman. They are moody, emotional , sensitive and easily excited. Aversion to sex due vaginismus (sensitive).  Intense pain at the entrance of vagina during coition with burning heat.  Sexual desire absent after grief, shock, disappointment , frustration, and worry. Patient is worse after coition, etc.

Some especial medicines:

Libido-Naughty Thinking-dr-qaisar-ahmed-dixe-cosmetics

They always need MORRRRE….

Agnus Castus:

Agnus Castus is used in cases where there is complete inability to attain penile erection during the sexual act. The genitalia remain relaxed and flaccid while having sex. Coldness of sexual organs. Has a mental aversion to indulge in sex, along with decreased physical strength.

Patient has neither the desire for sex, nor the physical power to perform the sexual act.

This medicine is also used when there is Erectile Dysfunction with a history of Gonorrhea.

Caladium :

Erectile Dysfunction – unable to have an erection despite having libido (a sexual desire or urge). The male requiring Caladium does not seem to have an erection even on caressing or after an embrace. The penis remains in a relaxed condition- no erection. Depression, anxiety. Smokers – Craving for tobacco.

Selenium :

The erection is too weak and slow rather than the complete inability to have an erection. The erection is insufficient and remains for a very short period. Irritability and excessive weakness after the sexual act. Involuntary emission of seminal discharge during sleep. Complain of dribbling of semen while passing stool or poop.

Lycopodium Clavatum :

Erectile Dysfunction resulting from excessive masturbation or increased indulgence in sexual activity.

In elderly people, Lycopodium is the remedy when the desire to indulge in a sexual act is present but the erection is not adequate (sometimes due to prostate enlargement). At times, it is accompanied by premature ejaculation.

Avena Sativa :

Avena Sativa is a tonic for enhancing the sexual power of males. This medicine will help in removing extreme exhaustion and deficient erections.  Overindulgence in sexual activity or masturbation.


Aversion to sex , which is painful from dryness of vagina. Burning smarting in vagina during sex. Natrum mur patient is weak, chlorotic and has palpitation after little exertion. Craving for excess salt.

Tribulus Terrestris :

The main indication for Tribulus Terrestris is the presence of urinary troubles along with Erectile Dysfunction. The sexual organs are weak and pain while urinates.Libido-Naughty Thinking-dr-qaisar-ahmed-dixe-cosmetics

Nuphar Luteum :

The desire to indulge in sexual activity is totally absent- no sexual desire with relaxed genitalia. Seminal discharges during passing stool or poop and in some cases while passing urine. The use of Nuphar Luteum can treat Erectile Dysfunction with zero desire for sex.

Yohimbinum :

Yohimbinum – best remedy for Neurasthenic Impotency. The neurasthenic state covers various aspects like lack of interest in sexual activity, deficient erection, extreme weakness, irritability and sadness.

Acid Phosphoricum :

Acid Phos is good for males with Diabetes Mellitus. The sexual power is very weak . The genitals are relaxed. Nocturnal emissions.  Extreme physical debility and mental exhaustion.


Graphites is suitable to fat , chilly and timid woman who suffer from constipation with late menses. Music makes her weep. Great aversion to sex. The vagina is dry, hot, or cold.


Loss of sexual power with or without sterility. Genitals red, hot, swollen , burn and itch terribly. Diminished sexual desire with profound melancholy, mental depression, but feels better when she is kept busy. A dragging down feeling in pelvis, prolapsed uterus. Great languor , prostration and tired feeling in back.


Sexual neurasthenia; impotency. Sexual debility from nervous prostration. Incontinence of old people. Chronic prostatic discharge. Renal and cystic catarrh; frigidity of females. Aids the establishment of normal menstrual flow in young girls.

Sabal Serrulata :

Sabal Serrulata is the best medicine to treat decreased penile erections along with the enlargement of prostate gland.

Urinary troubles like frequent passing of urine and difficulty in passing urine always accompany Erectile Dysfunction.

As it is a sensitive subject that’s why i

because youngsters could harm there health that’s why I (Dr. Qaisar Ahmed) didn’t show any potency and intake method.

For potency and usage please contact at my WhatsApp +92311-988-45-88.

Find more about Dr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed at :

P. S : This article is only for doctors having good knowledge about Homeopathy and allopathy,  for learning purpose(s).

For proper consultation and treatment, please visit our clinic.

Location, address and contact numbers are given below.

NoN of above mentioned medicine(s) is/are the full/complete treatment, but just hints for treatment; every patient has his/her own constitutional medicine.

To order medicine by courier, please send your details at WhatsApp– +923119884588

Libido-Naughty Thinking-dr-qaisar-ahmed-dixe-cosmeticsDr. Sayyad Qaisar Ahmed (MD {Ukraine}, DHMS), Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Specialist Homeopathic Medicines.

  Senior research officer at Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine.

Location:  Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder (0923631023, 03119884588), K.P.K, Pakistan.

Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at :

https://www.youtube.com/Dr Qaisar Ahmed



By Dr. Qaisar Ahmed. MD, DHMS.

Brief Profile Dr Qaisar Ahmed is a distinguished Physician & Chief Consultant at Al-Haytham Clinic, Risalpur. He is highly knowledgeable, experienced and capable professional who regularly contributes to various publications and runs a widely read specialized blog on health issues. Dr Qaisar Ahmed is one of the most sought after speakers at conferences and seminars on health and well being. Dr Qaisar Ahmed has a strong academic and professional background. Studied Masters in Medicines and surgery, Abdominal Surgeries, Oncological surgeries, Gastroenterologist, Senior research officer in Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy Ukraine; DHMS in Sarhad Medical college, Nowshera and is a registered Homeopathic practitioner (No. 164093) from The National Council of Homeopathy, Islamabad; Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharyat Law) from Allama Iqbal University, Islamabad. At the Dnipropetrovsk state medical Academy, Ukraine, Dr Qaisar Ahmed also attended many international seminars and workshops in the UK, Europe, Russia and UAE. Dr Qaisar Ahmed widely traveled the world and during his visits to Norway, Sweden and France, he learnt from acclaimed homeopathic practitioners and writers. At his registered establishment with the K.P.K Healthcare Commission Dr Qaisar Ahmed treats his patients as per international standards of homeopathy. He takes all kinds of chronic cases, though his main areas of focus include Cardiac diseases, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Asthma and other respiratory diseases, allergies and infection, Renal/urinary tract stones and diseases, Gastroenterology especially Gallbladder stones, haemorrhoids, Gastric ulcers, Crohn's disease, Eye diseases, Eyesight and cataracts, Sciatica, Rheumatoid and osteoArthritis, Gout, Varicose, Paralysis, Skin diseases and Unwanted facial Hairs, male/Female infertility, PCOS and menstrual diseases, Thyroid diseases. He runs a state of the art online homeopathy course “HOMEOPATHY for HOME”. This is an orientation course for the Homeopathy Medical System, meant for new homeopathic practitioners, basic learners, patients, allopathic doctors, nurses, alternative medicine practitioners, and students aspiring for a career in homeopathy. Dr Qaisar Ahmed belongs to the progeny of a noble Sayad (generation of Hazrat Mulk Shah Sahib - Sargodha who is the real son of Hazrat Hassan R.A) family of Risalpur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. His father Dr Inzar Gull is a distinguished Homeopathic doctor with deep insight into religion, pedagogy, oratory, faith healing and traditional medicines. Dr Qaisar Ahmed's inspiration for learning religion, its laws came from his father. He happily lives with his two wives and three children in Risalpur at Inzar Gull street, House# one. Location: Al-Haytham clinic, Umer Farooq Chowk Risalpur Sadder. K.P.K, Pakistan. Contacts: 0923631023, 03119884588, 03059820900. Find more about Dr Sayed Qaisar Ahmed at : https://www.youtube.com/Dr Qaisar Ahmed https://www.facebook.com/dr.qaisar.dixecosmetics

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